Книга: «Alkaloids: Chemical and Biological Perspectives»
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This monograph series provides unprecedented interdisciplinary coverage of research relating to the chemistry and biological properties of alkaloids - a class of biologically active compounds of more than 10, 000 members. Timely, comprehensive and authoritative, the series features chapters on chemical properties and structure elucidation, synthesis, biosynthesis, taxonomy, spectroscopy, pharmacology, toxicology, and X-ray crystallography of alkaloids. The chapters are written and reviewed by eminent researchers, all of them acknowledged experts in the field. Subject and organism indexes are included for each volume. Издательство: "Pergamon" (2006) Формат: 160x240, 560 стр.
ISBN: 0-08-043665-X Купить за 3796.5 руб на Озоне |
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alkaloids and hallucinations — The term alkaloid is indebted to the Latin noun alkali, which in turn stems from the classic Arabic expression al qily, commonly translated as he roasted , or he grilled . The expression al qily is said to refer to the scorched ashes of the… … Dictionary of Hallucinations
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ИНДОЛЬНЫЕ АЛКАЛОИДЫ — содержат в молекуле ядро индола или его производных дигидроиндола (ф ла I), оксиндола (II), псевдоиндоксила (III), N ацилиндола (IV). Наиб. богаты ими растения семейств кутровых (Аросуnасеае), мареновых (Rubiaceae), логаниевых (Loganiaceae).… … Химическая энциклопедия
ПЕПТИДНЫЕ АЛКАЛОИДЫ — содержат в молекуле остаток пептида, обычно циклический (поэтому часто их называют циклопептидными алкалоидами). К ним также относят алкалоиды, содержащие в молекуле гидроксисти риламиновый фрагмент. П. а. наиб. распространены в растениях… … Химическая энциклопедия
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Davy Medal — Robert Bunsen and Gustav Kirchhoff, the first recipients of the award. They were awarded the medal for their researches discoveries in spectrum analysis . The Davy Medal is awarded by the Royal Society of London for an out … Wikipedia