Книга: «Leonardo da Vinci»
Серия: "Clasicii Picturii Universale" Constrinsi cum sintem, de se-colul in care traim, de a ne specializa cu totii, intelegem anevoie notiunea de "geniu universal" in arta sau in orice alt donieniu. lar Leonardo, ca toti gin-ditorii din vremea sa, admitca ca stiinta este una, ca nu exista dccit o arta, si ca orice om superior nu poate lua in considerare o problema oarecare decit in raport cu tot restul; el credea, asemeni lor, ca un ase-menea program nu era de neinfaptuit. Pe masura ce geniul i se maturiza, arta sa devenea din ce in ce mai enciclopedica, nu doar in propriul sau domeniu, cit - si mai mult - in relatiile generale cu viata si gindirea. Издательство: "Editura Meridiane" (1978) Формат: 245x320, 86 стр.
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Giorgio Vasari | Leonardo da Vinci | Leonardo da Vinci — Подробнее... | 2015 | 105 | бумажная книга |
Isaacson Walter | Leonardo Da Vinci | Leonardo da Vinci created the two most famous paintings in history, The Last Supper and the Mona Lisa. But in his own mind, he was just as much a man of science and engineering. With a passion that… — Simon&Schuster, - Подробнее... | 2017 | 2857 | бумажная книга |
Isaacson Walter | Leonardo Da Vinci | Leonardo da Vinci created the two most famous paintings in history, The Last Supper and the Mona Lisa. But in his own mind, he was just as much a man of science and engineering. With a passion that… — Schuster, Подробнее... | 2017 | 3583 | бумажная книга |
Landrus Matthew | Leonardo da vinci | Leonardo da Vinci tells the story of this artist/engineer's life and times, and looks at the major themes that dominate his work. Beautifully illustrated with his artworks and designs, it also… — Carlton, - Подробнее... | 2018 | 3208 | бумажная книга |
Karen Ballard | Leonardo Da Vinci | The story of Leonardo da Vinci's life and works, for children whose reading ability and confidence allows them to tackle longer and more complex stories. This book vividly describes the life of da… — Usborne, - Подробнее... | 2007 | 532 | бумажная книга |
Karen Ballard | Leonardo Da Vinci | The story of Leonardo da Vinci`s life and works, for children whose reading ability and confidence allows them to tackle longer and more complex stories. This book vividly describes the life of da… — Usborne, Подробнее... | 2007 | 688 | бумажная книга |
Frank Zollner | Leonardo da Vinci | One of the most fully achieved human beings who has ever lived, Leonardo da Vinci is recognized the world over as a figure of infinite curiosity, feverish imagination and sublime artistic ability… — Taschen, (формат: 250x380, 708 стр.) Подробнее... | 2015 | 5790 | бумажная книга |
Victoria Charles, Klaus H. Carl | Leonardo da Vinci | Not only was Leonardo da Vinci an astonishing painter, but also a scientist, anatomist, sculptor, architect, musician, engineer, inventor, and more. The question is rather, what was he not? During… — Parkstone Press, Art Gallery Подробнее... | 2015 | 335 | бумажная книга |
Gabriel Seailles | Leonardo da Vinci | Painter, sculptor, architect, mathematician, scientist, inventor-Leonardo da Vinci was an artist and scholar, the quintessential Renaissance man. In Mega Square illustrated. From the Mona Lisa to… — Parkstone Press International, (формат: 150x170, 256 стр.) Подробнее... | 2010 | 629 | бумажная книга |
Victoria Charles, Klaus H. Carl | Leonardo da Vinci | Not only was Leonardo da Vinci an astonishing painter, but also a scientist, anatomist, sculptor, architect, musician, engineer, inventor, and more. The question is rather, what was he not? During… — Parkstone Press, Art Gallery Подробнее... | 2015 | 296 | бумажная книга |
См. также в других словарях:
Leonardo da Vinci — • Florentine painter, sculptor, architect, engineer and scholar (1452 1519) Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Leonardo da Vinci Leonardo da Vinci … Catholic encyclopedia
Leonardo da Vinci — (15. april 1452 2. maj 1519) maler, billedhugger, arkitekt, ingeniør, opfinder, botaniker og anatom Leonardo da Vinci betragtes som et klassisk renæssancemenneske og geni. Leonardo blev født i Vinci i Italien som søn af Ser Piero da Vinci, en… … Danske encyklopædi
Leonardo da Vinci — Leonardo di ser Piero da Vinci (15 de abril de 1452 2 de mayo de 1519). Célebre renacentista italiano, arquitecto, escultor, pintor, inventor e ingeniero, el … Enciclopedia Universal
Leonardo da Vinci — [ vintʃi], italienischer Maler, Bildhauer, Architekt, Kunsttheoretiker, Naturforscher und Ingenieur, * Vinci (bei Florenz) 15. 4. 1452, ✝ Schloss Cloux (heute Clos Lucé, bei Amboise) 2. 5. 1519. Als unehelicher Sohn des Notars Ser Pietro und… … Universal-Lexikon
Leonardo da Vinci — see DA VINCI Leonardo … English World dictionary
Leonardo da Vinci — Leonardo da Vinci, s. Vinci … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon