Книга: «Degas»
Серия: "The taste of our time / Le gout de notre temps / Der Geschmack unserer Zeit" В богато иллюстрированную книгу вошли биографические и критические очерки о жизни и творчестве одного из виднейших художников-импрессионистов Эдгара Дега. Издательство: "Editions D'Art Albert Skira S.A." (1954) Формат: 175x165, 108 стр.
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Boureanu Radu | Degas | DEGAS belonged to the group of Impressionists, but he was above all a painter of the human figure, unlike his friends who devoted themselves chiefly to landscape. His artistic aims, however, were the… — Editura Meridiane, (формат: 240x320, 80 стр.) Подробнее... | 1983 | 330 | бумажная книга |
Growe Bernd | Degas | Capturing fleeting moments: Degas's mastery in the depiction of movementIn terms of both theme and technique, the key to understanding the early work of Edgar Degas (1834 1917) is classical painting… — Taschen, - Подробнее... | 2016 | 1028 | бумажная книга |
Бернд Гроу | Degas | Most commonly associated with the birth of the Impressionist movement in mid-19th-century Paris,Edgar Degas (1834—1917) in fact defied easy categorization and instead developed a unique… — (формат: 210x260мм, 96 стр.) Подробнее... | 2016 | 470 | бумажная книга |
Ioan Horga | Degas | lama asta vad mai prost ca oricind, nu mai pot citi nici macar jurnalul; mi-1 citeste Zoe, menajera mea, in timpu prinzului. Dumneata in locuinta dumitale din strada Sadolet, in solitudinea… — Editura Meridiane, (формат: 170x195, 108 стр.) Подробнее... | 1969 | 180 | бумажная книга |
Degas | — Подробнее... | 1998 | 2439 | бумажная книга | |
Hauptman Jodi | Degas. A Strange New Beauty | A towering figure in 19th century art, Degas is best known as a painter and chronicler of the ballet. Yet his work in monotype reveals the true extent of his restless experimentation. In the mid… — The Museum of Modern Art, - Подробнее... | 2016 | 3139 | бумажная книга |
Growe Bernd | Degas (изд. 2016 г. ) | Capturing fleeting moments: Degas`s mastery in the depiction of movementIn terms of both theme and technique, the key to understanding the early work of Edgar Degas (1834 1917) is classical painting… — TASCHEN, Подробнее... | 2016 | 1365 | бумажная книга |
Bell Esther | Degas, Impressionism, and the Paris Millinery Trade | Though best known for his depictions of dancers and bathers, Edgar Degas repeatedly returned to the subject of millinery over the course of three decades. In masterpieces such as The Millinery Shop… — Prestel, - Подробнее... | 2017 | 5995 | бумажная книга |
Radu Boureanu | Edgar Degas | DEGAS belonged to the group of Impressionists, but he was above all a painter of the human figure, unlike his friends who devoted themselves chiefly to landscape. His artistic aims, however, were the… — Editura Meridiane, (формат: 240x320, 80 стр.) Подробнее... | 1983 | 140 | бумажная книга |
См. также в других словарях:
DEGAS (E.) — Il est délicat de cerner la personnalité artistique de Degas. S’il prolonge le respect ingresque de la ligne, il refuse la vénération plastique de la forme: ses exigences de véracité l’éloignent des canons de l’école. Ce n’est pas non plus au… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Degas — Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom. Edgar Degas (1834 1917), peintre, graveur, sculpteur et photographe français. Degas, cratère sur Mercure. Ce document provient de « Degas ». Catégorie :… … Wikipédia en Français
Degas — Degas, Edgar, franz. Maler, geb. 19. Juli 1834 in Paris, war Schüler von Lamothe und seit 1855 der Ecole des Beaux Arts und malte zuerst historische Genrebilder, wandte sich aber bald der Schilderung des modernen Lebens zu. wobei er sich fast… … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
Degas — [də ga], Hilaire Germain Edgar, eigentlich H. G. E. de Gas, französischer Maler, Grafiker und Plastiker, * Paris 19. 7. 1834, ✝ ebenda 27. 9. 1917; zunächst Jurist, studierte ab 1855 Malerei. Die stärksten Anregungen verdankte er den Bildern J … Universal-Lexikon
degas — s. m. 2 núm. 1. [Brasil, Informal] Rapaz. 2. Pessoa que fala. 3. [Brasil: Sul] Eu (maneira de alguém se referir à própria pessoa.): o degas não vai (eu não vou). 4. Sujeito importante; contador de vantagens … Dicionário da Língua Portuguesa
Degas — Degas, Edgar … Enciclopedia Universal