Книга: «Savonlinna Opera Festival / Savonlinnan oopperajuhlat»
The Savonlinna Opera Festival is well prepared for the new millennium. "The Age of Dreams", a new Finnish opera . looking back at the history of mankind and ahead to the future, is to receive its world premiere in Savonlinna. The opera is interesting in many ways and well deserves the international attention it will undoubtedly arouse. The entire programme for the year 2000 is in fact tightly woven around the themes of the new opera. Can we learn anything from human experience in paving the way for the centuries ahead? The visiting company this season is the New Israeli Opera from Tel Aviv, again blending naturally with the theme for the millennium year. TheTimo Mustakallio competition will continue and the operas will once again be supplemented by a magnificent series of concerts and other events. In addition to bringing you, our visitors, a programme that is both interesting and innovative, the Savonlinna Opera Festival has been working hard to provide you with a new... Формат: 175x250, 402 стр.
ISBN: 0782-2472 Купить за 120 руб на Озоне |
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