Книга: Capel Annete, Black Michael «Objective IELTS. Advanced Student's Book (+CD)»

Objective IELTS. Advanced Student's Book (+CD)

Серия: "Objective"

Objective IELTS Advanced is a course offering students complete preparation for the Cambridge IELTS test. Designed for students aiming for a band score of 6. 5 or 7, it combines thorough language development with systematic test preparation and practice. Its 20 she units cover a wide range of motivating topics and give a sense of progress. Gives thorough preparation for both the General Training and Academic Modules. Examples from the Cambridge Learner Corpus target areas most likely to cause problems for IELTS candidates. Informed by the Cambridge Corpus of Academic English, it providesguidance in how to use appropriate academic style. 10'Test Folders'cover each exam task in depth and provide practical advice. 10'Writing Folders'develop writing skills and give thorough practice in exam tasksRegular revision units consolidate language learned. A'Grammar Folder'appendix provides further explanations and examples. The accompanying self-study CD-ROM includes further grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation practice, as well as additional practice of all four skills.

Издательство: "Cambridge" (2014)

ISBN: 9780521608848

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Black M., Capel A.Objective IELTS Advanced Student s Book CD-ROMObjective IELTS is a two-level IELTS preparation course providing comprehensive training for both the Academic and General Training modules. The course is uniquely informed by the Cambridge Learner… — (формат: Мягкая глянцевая, 144 стр.) Подробнее...2018
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Michael Black, Annette CapelObjective IELTS (International English Language Testing System) Advanced Student`s Book (+ CD-ROM)Objective IELTS Advanced is a course offering students complete preparation for the Cambridge IELTS test. Designed for students aiming for a band score of 6. 5 or 7, it combines thorough language… — CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS, (формат: 220x275, 144 стр.) Подробнее...2007
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CapelObjective IELTS (International English Language Testing System) Advanced Student's Book (+ CD-ROM)Objective IELTS is a 2-level IELTS preparation course providing comprehensive training for both the Academic and General Training modules. The course is uniquely informed by the Cambridge Learner… — Cambridge University Press, Objective IELTS Подробнее...2006
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Аннет КапельObjective IELTS Advanced Self Study Student&# 039;s Book (+CD)Objective IELTS is a 2-level IELTS preparation course providing comprehensive training for both the Academic and General Training modules. The course is uniquely informed by the Cambridge Learner… — (формат: 220x280мм, 208стр. стр.) Objective Подробнее...2006
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Annette Capel, Michael BlackObjective IELTS: Advanced: Self-Study Student's Book (+ CD-ROM)Gives thorough preparation for both the General Training and Academic Modules. Examples from the Cambridge Learner Corpus target areas most likely to cause problems for IELTS candidates. Informed by… — Cambridge University Press, (формат: 220x275, 208 стр.) Подробнее...2010
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CapelObjective IELTS (International English Language Testing System) Advanced Self-study Student's Book (+ CD-ROM)Objective IELTS is a 2-level IELTS preparation course providing comprehensive training for both the Academic and General Training modules. The course is uniquely informed by the Cambridge Learner… — Cambridge University Press, Objective IELTS Подробнее...2006
1673бумажная книга

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