Книга: Mark Twain «The Innocents Abroad»
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Серия: "Wordsworth Classics" With an Introduction by Stuart Hutchinson. Who could read the programme for the excursion without longing to make one of the party? So Mark Twain acclaims his voyage from New York City to Europe and the Holy Land in June 1867. His adventures produced The Innocents Abroad, a book so funny and provocative it made him an international star for the rest of his life. He was making his first responses to the Old World - to Paris, Milan, Florence, Venice, Pompeii, Constantinople, Sebastopol, Balaklava, Damascus, Jerusalem, Nazareth, and Bethlehem. For the first time he was seeing the great paintings and sculptures of the Old Masters . He responded with wonder and amazement, but also with exasperation, irritation, disbelief. Above all he displayed the great energy of his humour, more explosive for us now than for his beguiled contemporaries. Издательство: "Wordsworth Classics" (2012) Формат: 125x195, 448 стр.
ISBN: 9781840226362 Купить за 313 руб на Озоне |
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Mark Twain
Источник: Mark Twain
См. также в других словарях:
The Innocents Abroad — The Innocents Abroad, or The New Pilgrims Progress … Wikipedia
The Awful German Language — is an 1880 essay by Mark Twain published as Appendix D in A Tramp Abroad.[1] The essay is a humorous exploration of the frustrations a native English speaker has with learning German as a second language. Contents 1 Background 2 Text … Wikipedia
Innocents Aboard — is a short story collection by American science fiction and fantasy author Gene Wolfe published in 2004. The stories are primarily fantasy and/or horror, not science fiction. The title is an homage to Mark Twain s first book, The Innocents Abroad … Wikipedia
The Adventures of Tom Sawyer — Les Aventures de Tom Sawyer Pour les articles homonymes, voir Les Aventures de Tom Sawyer (homonymie). Les Aventures de Tom Sawyer … Wikipédia en Français
The Adventures of Tom Sawyer — This article is about the novel. For other uses, see Tom Sawyer (disambiguation). The Adventures of Tom Sawyer … Wikipedia
The Prince and the Pauper — This article is about the original 1881 novel. For various film adaptations, see The Prince and the Pauper (film). The Prince and the Pauper … Wikipedia