Электронная книга: Prosper Jolyot de Crébillon «Oeuvres. T. 2»

Oeuvres. T. 2

Полный вариант заголовка: «Oeuvres de Crebillon. Tome 2».

Издательство: "Библиотечный фонд" (1818)

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Oeuvres. T. 1Полный вариант заголовка: «Oeuvres de Crebillon. Tome 1» — Библиотечный фонд, электронная книга Подробнее...1785электронная книга

Prosper Jolyot de Crébillon

Prosper Jolyot de Crébillon (January 13, 1674 - June 17, 1762), was a French poet and tragedian.

Life and works

He was born in Dijon, where his father, Melchior Jolyot, was notary-royal. Having been educated at the Jesuit school in the town, and afterwards at the Collège Mazarin, he became an advocate, and was placed in the office of a lawyer named Prieur at Paris. With the encouragement of his master, son of an old friend of Scarron's, he produced a "Mort des enfants de Brutus", which was never produced on the stage. In 1705 he succeeded with "Idomnée"; in 1707 his "Atrée el Thyeste" was repeatedly acted at court; "Electre" appeared in 1709; and in 1711 he produced his finest play, "Rhadamiste et Zénobie", which is his masterpiece and ran for a long period, although the plot is so complicated as to be almost incomprehensible. But his "Xerxes" (1714) was only performed once, and his "Sémiramis" (1717) was an absolute failure.

In 1707 Crébillon had married a penniless girl, who had since died, leaving him two young children. His father had also died, insolvent. In three years at court he had gained nothing and aroused considerable envy. Oppressed with melancholy, he moved to a garret, where he surrounded himself with dogs, cats and birds, which he had befriended; he became utterly careless of cleanliness or food, and sought comfort only in smoking.

In 1731, despite his long seclusion, he was elected to the Académie Française; in 1735 he was appointed royal censor; and in 1745 Madame de Pompadour presented him with a pension of 1000 francs and a post in the royal library. He returned to the stage in 1726 with a successful play, "Pyrrhus"; in 1748 his "Catilina" was performed with great success at court; and in 1754, aged eighty, he appeared his last tragedy, "Le Triumvirat". His only son Claude was also an author.

Crébillon was considered by many to be superior to Voltaire as a tragic poet. The spirit of rivalry induced Voltaire to take the subjects of no less than five of Crébillon's tragedies ("Semiramis", "Electre", "Catilina", "Le Triumviral" and "Ahreeas"), as his own. The so-called "Éloge de Crébillon" (1762) (the title meant ironically), which appeared in the year of the poet's death, was generally attributed to Voltaire, though he strenuously denied the authorship. The force of Crébillon's drama was too often gained at the expense of scenes of unnatural horror; his pieces show lack of culture and a want of care which displays itself even in the mechanism of his verse.

There are numerous editions of his works, among which may be noticed: "Œuvres" (1772), with preface and "éloge", by Joseph de La Porte; "Œuvres" (1828), containing D'Alembert's "Éloge de Crébillon", (1775); and "Théâtre complet" (1885) with a notice by Auguste Vito. A complete bibliography is given by Maurice Dutrait, in his "Étude sur la vie et le théâtre de Crébillon" (1895).


*"This entry incorporates public domain text originally from the 1911 Encyclopædia Britannica."

Источник: Prosper Jolyot de Crébillon

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