Электронная книга: William Martin Leake «Researches in Greece»
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Полный вариант заголовка: «Researches in Greece / by William Martin Leake». Издательство: "Библиотечный фонд" (1814)
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William Martin Leake
William Martin Leake, FRS (
After completing his education at the
Shortly after his arrival in England he was sent out to survey the coast of
In 1810 he was granted a yearly sum of £600 for his services in
*"Topography of Athens" (1821)
*"Journal of a Tour in Asia Minor" (1824)
*"Travels in the Morea" (1830), and a supplement, "Peloponnesiaca" (1846)
*"Travels in Northern Greece" (1835)
*"Numismata Hellenica" (1854), followed by a supplement in 1859.He was admitted a
* JH Marsden, "Memoir" (1864)
* the "Architect" for
* JE Sandys, "Hist. of Classical Scholarship", iii. (1908), p. 442.
* J.M. Wagstaff, Colonel Leake in Laconia, in J.M. Sanders (ed), ΦΙΛΟΛΑΚΩΝ. Lakonian studies in honour of Hector Catling. (1992) Athens, 277-83.
* J.M. Wagstaff, Pausanias and the topographers. The case of Colonel Leake, in S.E. Alcock, J.F. Cherry, and J. Elsner (eds), Pausanias. Travel and memory in Roman Greece. (2001a) Oxford, 190-206.
* J.M. Wagstaff, Colonel Leake. Traveller and scholar. in S. Searight and M. Wagstaff (eds), Travellers in the Levant. Voyagers and visionaries. (2001b) Durham, 3-15.
* CL Witmore, On multiple fields. Between the material world and media: Two cases from the Peloponnesus, Greece, "Archaeological Dialogues", (2004) 11(2), 133-164. [http://traumwerk.stanford.edu:3455/multiplefields/357 link]
* CL Witmore and TV Buttrey, William Martin Leake: a contemporary of P.O. Brøndsted in Greece and in London, in P.O. Brøndsted (1780-1842) - A Danish Classicist in his European context. Rasmussen, B.B., Jensen, J.S., Lund, J. and Märcher (eds) Historisk-filosofiske Skrifter (2008) 31, 15-34.
External links
* [http://esf.niwi.knaw.nl/esf1996/leake/html/hypleake.htm "Travels in Northern Greece"] by William Martin Leake, online book. Includes Biography and Bibliography.
Источник: William Martin Leake
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