Электронная книга: Saverio Bettinelli «Poesie»


Полный вариант заголовка: «Poesie di Saverio Bettinelli mantovano».

Издательство: "Библиотечный фонд" (1801)

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Saverio Bettinelli

Saverio Bettinelli (July 18, 1718 – September 13, 1808), was an Italian Jesuit writer.

He was born at Mantua. After studying under the Jesuits at Mantua and Bologna, he entered the society in 1736. He taught belles-lettres from 1739 to 1744 at Brescia, where Cardinal Quirini, Count Mazzuchelli, Count Duranti and other scholars, formed an illustrious academy. He next went to Bologna, to study divinity, and there he enjoyed the society of many learned and literary men. At the age of thirty he went to Venice, where he became professor of rhetoric, and was on friendly terms with the most important citizens. The superintendence of the college of nobles at Parma was entrusted to him in 1751; and he had principal charge of the studies of poetry and history, and the entertainments of the theatre. He remained there eight years, visiting, at intervals, other cities of Italy, either on the affairs of his order, for pleasure or for health.

In 1755 he travelled in Germany, proceeded as far as Strasbourg and Nancy, and returned by way of Germany into Italy, taking with him two young sons or nephews of the prince of Hohenlohe, who had requested him to take charge of their education. He made, the year following, another journey into France, along with the eldest of his pupils; and during this excursion he wrote his famous "Lettere dieci di Virgilio agli Arcadi", which were published at Venice with his "sciolti" verses, and those of Frugoni and Algarotti.

The opinions maintained in these letters against the two great Italian poets and particularly against Dante Alighieri, made him many enemies. In 1758 he went to Lorraine, to the court of King Stanislaus, who sent him on a matter of business to visit Voltaire. Voltaire presented him with a copy of his works, with a flattering inscription in allusion to Bettinelli's "Letters of Virgil". From Geneva he returned to Parma, where he arrived in 1759. He afterwards lived for some years at Verona and Modena, and he had just been appointed professor of rhetoric there, when, in 1773, the order of Jesuits was abolished in Italy. Bettinelli returned home, and resumed his literary labours with new ardour. The siege of Mantua by the French compelled him to leave the city, and he retired to Verona, where he formed an intimate friendship with the chevalier Hippolito Pindemonti.

In 1797 he returned to Mantua. Though nearly eighty years old, he resumed his labours and his customary manner of life. He undertook in 1799 a complete edition of his works, which was published at Venice in 24 vols. At this death at the age of ninety years, he still retained his gaiety and vivacity of mind.

The works of Bettinelli are now little thought of. The only one still remembered is the "Risorgimento negli studi, nelle, Arti e ne' Cosfumi dopo di Mule" (1775-1786), a sketch of the progress of literature, science, the fine arts, industry, etc., in Italy.



Источник: Saverio Bettinelli

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