Книга: Moore Lisa «Alligator»
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Серия: "-" Lisa Moore's Alligator moves with the swiftness of a gator in attack mode through the lives of a group of brilliantly rendered characters in a city whose spiritual location is somewhere in the heart of Flannery O'Connor country. Madeleine, the driven, ageing filmmaker whose mission is to complete a Bergmanesque magnum opus before she dies Frank, a young man of innocence and determination whose life is a strange anthology of unpredicatable dangers Valentin, the sociopathic Russian refugee whose predatory tendencies threaten everyone he encounters Colleen, at seventeen, a hard-edged female Holden Caulfield, drawn inexorably to the places where alligators thrive. Издательство: "Little, Brown and Company" (2007)
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February | In 1982, the oil rig Ocean Ranger sank off the coast of Newfoundland during a Valentine's night storm. In the early hours of the next morning, all 84 men aboard died. Helen O'Mara is one of those… — Random House, Inc., - Подробнее... | бумажная книга |
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Alligator — Alligators … Wikipédia en Français
alligator — [ aligatɔr ] n. m. • 1663; mot angl. , altér. esp. el lagarto « le lézard » ♦ Reptile (crocodiliens) d Amérique du Nord (Floride surtout) pouvant atteindre plusieurs mètres de long. ⇒aussi caïman, crocodile. ● alligator nom masculin (mot anglais … Encyclopédie Universelle
Alligator — Al li*ga tor, n. [Sp. el lagarto the lizard (el lagarto de Indias, the cayman or American crocodile), fr. L. lacertus, lacerta, lizard. See {Lizard}.] 1. (Zo[ o]l.) A large carnivorous reptile of the Crocodile family, peculiar to America. It has… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Alligator 2 — Alligator 2, la mutation Alligator 2, la mutation (Alligator II: The Mutation) est un film américain réalisé par Jon Hess, sorti en 1991. Sommaire 1 Synopsis 2 Fiche technique 3 Distribution … Wikipédia en Français
Alligator — Sm (Krokodilart) erw. fach. (16. Jh.) Entlehnung. Entlehnt aus frz. alligator oder ne. alligator, diese zusammengezogen aus span. el lagarto (de los Indios), wörtlich die Echse der Indianer , aus l. lacerta f. Eidechse . Die Lautform schwankt in… … Etymologisches Wörterbuch der deutschen sprache
Alligator — mississippiensis Alligator sinensis Un Aligátor es cualquier miembro de las dos especies del género Alligator que existen, el aligátor chino y el aligátor americano. Tanto el nombre castellano actual como el latino usado en la clasificación… … Enciclopedia Universal