Книга: «Credit»


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Издательство: "Книга по Требованию" (2011)

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Steve BucciCredit Repair Kit For DummiesManage and repair your credit Credit card debt is the third largest source of household indebtedness. Credit Repair Kit For Dummies gives you the tools you need to repair your credit. This new… — John Wiley&Sons Limited (USD), электронная книга Подробнее...
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Anthony SaundersCredit Risk Measurement. New Approaches to Value at Risk and Other ParadigmsThe most cutting-edge read on the pricing, modeling, and management of credit risk available The rise of credit risk measurement and the credit derivatives market started in the early 1990s and has… — John Wiley&Sons Limited (USD), электронная книга Подробнее...
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Geoff ChaplinCredit Derivatives. Trading, Investing,and Risk ManagementThe credit derivatives industry has come under close scrutiny over the past few years, with the recent financial crisis highlighting the instability of a number of credit structures and throwing the… — John Wiley&Sons Limited (USD), электронная книга Подробнее...
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Bart BaesensCredit Risk Analytics. Measurement Techniques, Applications, and Examples in SASThe long-awaited, comprehensive guide to practical credit risk modeling Credit Risk Analytics provides a targeted training guide for risk managers looking to efficiently build or validate in-house… — John Wiley&Sons Limited (USD), электронная книга Подробнее...
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Anthony SaundersCredit Risk Management In and Out of the Financial Crisis. New Approaches to Value at Risk and Other ParadigmsA classic book on credit risk management is updated to reflect the current economic crisis Credit Risk Management In and Out of the Financial Crisis dissects the 2007-2008 credit crisis and provides… — John Wiley&Sons Limited (USD), электронная книга Подробнее...
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Daniel RoschCredit Securitisations and Derivatives. Challenges for the Global MarketsA comprehensive resource providing extensive coverage of the state of the art in credit secruritisations, derivatives, and risk management Credit Securitisations and Derivatives is a one-stop… — John Wiley&Sons Limited (USD), электронная книга Подробнее...
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ОтсутствуетCredit Risk ManagementThe importance of managing credit and credit risks carefully and appropriately cannot be overestimated. The very success or failure of a bank and the banking industry in general may well depend on… — John Wiley&Sons Limited (USD), электронная книга Подробнее...
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См. также в других словарях:

  • CRÉDIT — Le mot crédit est en usage dans des domaines très divers: commerce, comptabilité, banque, législations financière, fiscale et pénale, droit des affaires, sciences morales, politiques et économiques. Toutes les acceptions, cependant, restent… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Credit — Crédit  Pour le credits qui recense les participants d une œuvre, voir générique de cinéma. Un crédit est une créance pour un prêt ou plus généralement une ressource pour l entreprise. Le sens étymologique de crédit est la confiance accordée …   Wikipédia en Français

  • credit — cred·it 1 n 1: recognition see also full faith and credit 2 a: the balance in an account which may be drawn upon and repaid later compare loan …   Law dictionary

  • crédit — CRÉDIT. s. m. Réputation où l on est d être solvable et de bien payer, qui est cause qu on trouve aisément à emprunter. Bon crédit. Grand crédit. Il a crédit, bon crédit chez les Marchands, sur la place. S il avoit besoin de cent mille écus, il… …   Dictionnaire de l'Académie Française 1798

  • credit — Credit. s. m. Reputation où l on est de bien payer, & qui est cause qu on trouve aisément à emprunter. Bon credit, grand credit. il a credit, bon credit chez les Marchands, sur la place. s il avoit besoin de cent mille escus il les trouveroit sur …   Dictionnaire de l'Académie française

  • credit — CRÉDIT, credite, s.n. 1. Relaţie (economică) bănească ce se stabileşte între o persoană fizică sau juridică (creditor), care acordă un împrumut de bani sau care vinde mărfuri sau servicii pe datorie, şi o altă persoană fizică sau juridică… …   Dicționar Român

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