Книга: Gerrish Frederic Henry «Prescription Writing»
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Серия: "-" Книга представляет собой репринтное издание. Несмотря на то, что была проведена серьезная работа по восстановлению первоначального качества издания, на некоторых страницах могут обнаружиться небольшие "огрехи" :помарки, кляксы и т. п. Издательство: "Книга по Требованию" (2010)
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См. также в других словарях:
prescription — pre·scrip·tion /pri skrip shən/ n [partly from Middle French prescription establishment of a claim, from Late Latin praescription praescriptio, from Latin, act of writing at the beginning, order, from praescribere to write at the beginning,… … Law dictionary
prescription — (n.) c.1400, in law, the right to something through long use, from O.Fr. prescription (13c.), from L. praescriptionem (nom. praescriptio) a writing before, order, direction, from praescriptus, pp. of praescribere write before, from prae before… … Etymology dictionary
prescription — /pri skrip sheuhn/, n. 1. Med. a. a direction, usually written, by the physician to the pharmacist for the preparation and use of a medicine or remedy. b. the medicine prescribed: Take this prescription three times a day. 2. an act of prescribing … Universalium
prescription — The acquisition of an easement by adverse user under claim of right for the prescriptive period. The acquisition of incorporeal hereditaments by adverse user. Plaza v Flak, 7 NJ 215, 81 A2d 137, 27 ALR2d 324. A presumption of grant from long… … Ballentine's law dictionary
prescription — noun Etymology: partly from Middle English prescripcion establishment of a claim, from Anglo French, from Late Latin praescription , praescriptio, from Latin, act of writing at the beginning, order, limitation of subject matter, from… … New Collegiate Dictionary
prescription — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) n. medicine; formula, recipe; mandate, decree, edict. See remedy, command, habit. II (Roget s IV) n. Syn. direction, prescript, medical recipe, formula, prescribed remedy; see also medicine 2 .… … English dictionary for students