Книга: Freytag Gustav «Doktor Luther (German Edition)»

Doktor Luther (German Edition)

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Freytag, Gustav

▪ German writer
born July 13, 1816, Kreuzburg, Silesia, Prussia
died April 30, 1895, Wiesbaden, Ger.
 German writer of realistic novels celebrating the merits of the middle classes.

      After studying philology at Breslau and Berlin, Freytag became Privatdozent (lecturer) in German literature at the University of Breslau (1839), but he resigned after eight years to devote himself to writing. He was much excited by the revolutions of 1848 and became, with Julian Schmidt, joint editor of the Leipzig weekly Die Grenzboten, which he made into the leading organ of the middle-class liberals. He abhorred both the democratic radicalism of the Jungdeutschen (“Young Germany”) and the escapism of the Romantics. From 1867 to 1870 he represented the national liberal party in the North German Reichstag, and he served at the headquarters of the 3rd Army in the Franco-German War until the battle of Sedan (1870).

      His literary work was influenced by his early reading of English novelists, especially Sir Walter Scott and Charles Dickens, and of French plays. His name was made with the comedy Die Journalisten (1854; The Journalists), still regarded as one of the most successful German comedies, and he acquired an international reputation with his widely translated novel Soll und Haben (1855; Debit and Credit, 1857). It celebrates the solid bourgeois qualities of the German merchants, and the close relationships between people's characters and the work they do is well brought out. The success of the novel was such that its author was recognized as the leading German writer of his day. He attempted to realize a similar intention with Die verlorene Handschrift (1864; The Lost Manuscript, 1865), which depicts Leipzig university life in the same realistic manner, but the plot is much weaker and the effect less successful. His most ambitious literary work was the novel-cycle Die Ahnen, 6 vol. (1873–81) which unfolded the story of a German family from the 4th century AD up to Freytag's own time. His Bilder aus der deutschen Vergangenheit, 5 vol. (1859–67; partial Eng. trans. Pictures of German Life, 1862–63) were originally contributed to Die Grenzboten and give a vivid and popular account of the history of the Germans, in which Freytag stresses the idea of folk character as determinative in history. His collected works, Gesammelte Werke, 22 vol. (1886–88) were reissued, edited by H.M. Elster (12 vol.) in 1926.

* * *

Источник: Freytag, Gustav

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