Книга: Cros Charles «Le Coffret De Santal (French Edition)»

Le Coffret De Santal (French Edition)

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Книга представляет собой репринтное издание. Несмотря на то, что была проведена серьезная работа по восстановлению первоначального качества издания, на некоторых страницах могут обнаружиться небольшие "огрехи" :помарки, кляксы и т. п.

Издательство: "Книга по Требованию" (2011)

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Cros, Charles

▪ French inventor and poet
born Oct. 1, 1842, Fabrezan, Fr.
died Aug. 10, 1888, Paris

      French inventor and poet whose work in several fields foreshadowed or paralleled important developments.

      In 1869 Cros published a theory of three-colour photography similar to the more influential ideas advanced by Louis Ducos du Hauron in the same year. In his book Études sur les moyens de communication avec les planètes (1869; “Studies on the Means of Communication with the Planets”), he projected a huge concave mirror with focal length equal to the distance of Mars or Venus from the Earth. Sunlight concentrated by the mirror would fuse the planetary surface in geometric patterns that would presumably be intelligible to higher forms of life anywhere in the universe. Cros invented a phonograph (paléophone) in 1877, the year in which Thomas A. Edison of the United States made his first recording.

      Cros's most important poetical work, Le Coffret de santal (1873; “The Sandalwood Chest”), in the Symbolist vein, was praised by Paul Verlaine and may have influenced Arthur Rimbaud as well as 20th-century French Symbolists. An anthology of his Poèmes et proses, edited by Henri Parisot, appeared in 1944.

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Источник: Cros, Charles

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