Книга: Thomas Love Peacock «Headlong Hall»
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Серия: "-" ""The place is quite a wilderness,""said Squire Headlong:""for, during the latter part of my father's life, while I was finishing my education, he troubled himself about nothing but the cellar, and suffered everything else to go to rack and ruin. A mere wilderness, as you see, even now in December; but in summer a complete nursery of briers, a forest of thistles, a plantation of nettles, without any livestock but goats, that have eaten up all the bark of the trees. Here you see is the pedestal of a statue, with only half a leg and four toes remaining: there were many here once. Книга представляет собой репринтное издание 1891 года (издательство" London, J. M. Dent" ). Несмотря на то, что была проведена серьезная работа по восстановлению первоначального качества издания, на некоторых страницах могут обнаружиться небольшие" огрехи" :помарки, кляксы и т. п. Издательство: "Книга по Требованию" (1891)
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Thomas Love Peacock
Thomas Love Peacock (
Peacock was a close friend of
He worked for the
Early life
Thomas Love Peacock was born in
Peacock's juvenile compositions, some of which were privately printed by Sir Henry Cole, exhibit just the sort of formal
At the age of 16, Peacock moved to London. There is evidence in his papers of his having for a time followed some mercantile occupation, the exact nature of which is unknown. He began visiting the Reading Room of the
His friends, as he hints, thought it wrong that so clever a man should be earning so little money. In the autumn of 1808 he became
Friendship with Shelley
In 1812 Peacock published another elaborate
For some years, the course of Peacock's life is only known in connection with Shelley. In the winter of 1813 he accompanies Shelley and Harriet to Edinburgh; throughout the winter of 1814-15 he is an almost daily visitor of Shelley and Mary at their London lodgings. In 1815 he shares their voyage to the source of the Thames. "He seems," writes Charles Clairmont, a member of the party, "an idly-inclined man; indeed, he is professedly so in the summer; he owns he cannot apply himself to study, and thinks it more beneficial to him as a human being entirely to devote himself to the beauties of the season while they last; he was only happy while out from morning till night". During the winter of 1815-16 Peacock was continually walking over from Marlow, where he had established himself some time in this year, to visit Shelley at Bishopgate. There he met Hogg, and "the winter was a mere Atticism. Our studies were exclusively Greek". The benefit which Shelley derived from such a course of study cannot be overrated. Its influence is seen more and more in everything he wrote to the end of his life. The morbid, the fantastic, the polemical, gradually faded out of his mind; and the writer who begun as the imitator of the wildest extravagances of German romance would, had not his genius transcended the limits of any school, have ended as scarcely less of a
In 1815 "
In 1816 Shelley went abroad, and Peacock appears to have been entrusted with the task of finding the Shelleys a new residence. He fixed them near his own home at Great Marlow. "Melincourt" was published at this time; and "
East India Company
On January 13, 1819, he writes from 5 York Street,
It would appear that the East India Company had become aware that their home staff was too merely clerical, and had determined to reinforce it by the appointment of four men of exceptional ability to the
Mill's salary is said to have been £800 a year; we do not know whether Peacock received as much. The latter's appointment is said by Sir Henry Cole to have been owing to the influence of Peter Auber, the Company's secretary and historian, whom he had known at school, though probably not as a school-fellow. Mill appears to have undergone no probation: Peacock did, but the test papers which he drafted were returned to him with the high commendation, "Nothing superfluous, and nothing wanting".
We learn from Hogg that it was on July 1, 1819 that Peacock slept for the first time in "a house in Stamford Street (No 18) which, as you might expect from a Republican, he has furnished very handsomely."
In 1820, Peacock married Jane Griffith or Gryffydh ["Encyclopedia of World Biography"] . In his "Letter to Maria Gisborne," Shelley referred to Jane as "the milk-white Snowdonian Antelope." Peacock and his wife had three daughters. One of them, Mary Ellen, married the novelist
In 1822 "Maid Marian", begun in 1818, was completed and published. It was soon dramatised with great success by Planché, and enjoyed the honour of translation into French and German. Peacock's salary was now £1000 a year, and in 1823 he acquired the residence at Lower Halliford which continued his predilection to the end of his life. In 1829 came "The Misfortunes of Elphin", and in 1831 "
In 1836 his official career was crowned by his appointment as Chief Examiner of Indian Correspondence, in succession to James Mill. The post was one which could only be filled by someone of sound business capacity and exceptional ability in drafting official documents: and Peacock's discharge of its duties, it is believed, suffered nothing by comparison either with his distinguished predecessor or his still more celebrated successor, Stuart Mill.
It is much to be regretted that so little is known of the old India House, or of its eminent occupants in their official capacity. It does not seem to have afforded an employment of predilection to any of them. Peacock has let in a little light in another direction:—
: From ten to eleven, have breakfast for seven;
: From eleven to noon, think you've come too soon;
: From twelve to one, think what's to be done;
: From one to two, find nothing to do;
: From two to three, think it will be
: A very great bore to stay till four.
Peacock's occupation seems to have principally lain with finance, commerce, and public works. The first clear glimpse we obtain of its nature is the memorandum prepared by him at the request of a Director respecting General Chesney's projected Euphrates expedition, and reprinted in the preface to the General's narrative as a tribute to its sagacity. The line of inquiry eventually resulted in the construction under his superintendence of iron steamboats designed to demonstrate his view of the feasibility of steam navigation round the Cape.
Later life
For many years after his appointment Peacock's authorship was in abeyance with the exception of the operatic criticisms which he regularly contributed to the "
In 1837, "
Peacock had in the interim retired from the India House on an ample pension (March 29, 1856). Throughout 1860 his last novel, "
Peacock died at Lower Halliford, January 23, 1866, from injuries sustained in a fire in which he had attempted to save his library, and is buried in the new cemetery at
:In society my grandfather was ever a welcome guest, his genial manner, hearty appreciation of wit and humour in others, and the amusing way in which he told stories made him a very delightful acquaintance; he was always so agreeable and so very witty that he was called by his most intimate friends the "Laughing Philosopher," and it seems to me that the term "Epicurean Philosopher," which I have often heard applied to him, describes him accurately and briefly. In public business my grandfather was upright and honourable; but as he advanced in years his detestation of anything disagreeable made him simply avoid whatever fretted him, laughing off all sorts of ordinary calls upon his leisure time.
: After he retired from the India House he seldom left Halliford; his life was spent among his books, and in the garden, in which he took great pleasure, and on the river.
Peacock's own place in literature is pre-eminently that of a satirist. That he has nevertheless been the favourite only of the few is owing partly to the highly intellectual quality of his work, but mainly to his lack of ordinary qualifications of the novelist, all pretension to which he entirely disclaims. He has no plot, little human interest, and no consistent delineation of character. His personages are mere puppets, or, at best, incarnations of abstract qualities such as grace or beauty.
His comedy is Aristophanic. He suffers from that dramatist's faults and, though not as daring in invention, shares many of his strengths.
* "
* "Melincourt" (1817)
* "
* "Maid Marian" (1822)
* "
* "
* "
* "The Monks of St. Mark" (1804?)
* "Palmyra and other Poems" (1805)
* "The Genius of the Thames: a Lyrical Poem" (1810)
* "The Genius of the Thames Palmyra and other Poems" (1812)
* "The Philosophy of Melancholy" (1812)
* "Sir Hornbook, or Childe Launcelot's Expedition" (1813)
* "Sir Proteus: a Satirical Ballad" (1814)
* "The Round Table, or King Arthur's Feast" (1817)
* "Rhododaphne: or the Thessalian Spirit" (1818)
* "Paper Money Lyrics" (1837)
* "The Four Ages of Poetry" (1820)
* "Recollections of Childhood: The Abbey House" (1837)
* "Memoirs of Shelley" (1858-60)
* "The Last Day of Windsor Forest" (1887) [composed 1862]
* "Prospectus: Classical Education"
* "The Three Doctors"
* "The Dilettanti"
* "Gl'Ingannati, or The Deceived" (translated from the Italian, 1862)
Unfinished tales and novels
* "Satyrane" (c. 1816)
* "Calidore" (c. 1816)
* "The Pilgrim of Provence" (c. 1826)
* "The Lord of the Hills" (c. 1835)
* "Julia Procula" (c. 1850)
* "A Story Opening at Chertsey" (c. 1850)
* "A Story of a Mansion among the Chiltern Hills" (c. 1859)
* "Boozabowt Abbey" (c. 1859)
* "Cotswald Chace" (c. 1860)
* Garnett, R. (1891). Introduction. In T. L. Peacock, Headlong Hall, pp. 7–43. J. M. Dent & Co.
* [http://www.thomaslovepeacock.net/ The Thomas Love Peacock Society] . Retrieved 2004-12
External links
* [http://www.thomaslovepeacock.net/ The Thomas Love Peacock Society]
"Most of the text of this article was extracted from the Introduction written by Richard Garnett for the edition of Thomas Love Peacock's novels published by J. M. Dent & Co. in 1891."
"Lists of Peacock's works from The Thomas Love Peacock Society".
Источник: Thomas Love Peacock
См. также в других словарях:
Headlong Hall — First edition title page Headlong Hall is the first novel by Thomas Love Peacock, published in 1815 (dated 1816).[1] As in his later novel Crotchet Castle, Peacock assembles a group of eccentrics, each with a single monomaniacal obsession, and… … Wikipedia
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Thomas Love Peacock — T. L. Peacock par Henry Wallis Thomas Love Peacock (18 octobre 1785 23 janvier 1866) est un homme de lettres britannique surtout connu pour ses talents satiriques. L amitié entre Peacock et Percy Bysshe Shelley ne fut pas sans influence sur leurs … Wikipédia en Français
Thomas Love Peacock — (October 18, 1785 January 23, 1866) was an English satirist and author.Peacock was a close friend of Percy Bysshe Shelley and they influenced each other s work. He wrote satirical novels, each with the same basic setting mdash; characters at a… … Wikipedia
Thomas Love Peacock — Thomas Love Peacock. Thomas Love Peacock (18 de octubre de 1785 23 de enero de 1866) fue un escritor inglés. Peacock era un amigo cercano de Percy Bysshe Shelley y ambos influenciaron mutuamente sus trabajos. Escribió novelas satíricas, t … Wikipedia Español
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