Книга: Jack London «The Turtles of Tasman»
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Серия: "-" 1911. Illustrated. American writer (real name John Griffith London). London grew up in poverty, earning a living through various legal and illegal means. He was a sailor and took part in the Klondike gold rush. These experiences provided much of the material for his works and also made him a socialist. The Call of the Wild, the classic story of sled-dog Buck brought him instant celebrity and established his readership to this day. The Turtles of Tasman begins: Law, order, and restraint had carved Frederick Travers’ face. It was the strong, firm face of one used to power and who had used power with wisdom and discretion. Clean living had made the healthy skin, and the lines graved in it were honest lines. Hard and devoted work had left its wholesome handiwork, that was all. Every feature of the man told the same story, from the clear blue of the eyes to the full head of hair, light brown, touched with grey, and smoothly parted and drawn straight across above the strong-domed forehead. He was a seriously groomed man, and the light summer business suit no more than befitted his alert years, while it did not shout aloud that its possessor was likewise the possessor of numerous millions of dollars and property. See other titles by this author available from Kessinger Publishing. Книга представляет собой репринтное издание 1911 года (издательство "New York, Macmillan" ). Несмотря на то, что была проведена серьезная работа по восстановлению первоначального качества издания, на некоторых страницах могут обнаружиться небольшие" огрехи" :помарки, кляксы и т. п. Издательство: "Книга по Требованию" (1911)
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Jack London
Источник: Jack London
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