Книга: Cinzia Medaglia «Percorsi grammaticali (+ Audio CD)»
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Серия: "-" This is a fun and flexible book of exercises which can be used in class or for self-study. It is aimed at absolute beginners and false beginners, but also at all those who wish to increase and consolidate their knowledge of the Italian language. The 9 units, which it is divided into, allow for improvement in all of the main language skills so as to understand and produce oral and written Italian. Each units offers:•original texts in various styles, accompanied by oral and written comprehension exercises; •the section Scriviamo insieme, to practise writing tests in Italian; •the grammar page, which aids memory and revises the rules; •numerous grammar, vocabulary and spelling exercises. "Percorsi grammaticali" is accompanied by an audio CD with the recordings of the listening exercises. Издательство: "CIDEB"
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