Книга: Jennifer Crusie «Dogs and Goddesses»
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Серия: "-" Abby has just arrived in Summerville, Ohio, with her placid Newfoundland, Bowser. She’s reluctantly inherited her grandmother’s coffee shop, but it’s not long before she’s brewing up trouble in the form of magical baked goods and steaming up her life with an exasperating college professor. And then there’s Daisy, a web code writer, and her hyperactive Jack Russell, Bailey. Her tightly-wound world spins out of control when she discovers the chaos within and meets a mysterious dog trainer whose teaching style is definitely hands-on. Finally there’s Shar, professor of ancient history at Summerville College, who wakes up one morning to find her neurotic dachshund, Wolfie, snarling at an implacable god sitting at her kitchen table, the first thing in her life she hasn’t been able to footnote. What on earth is going on in this unearthly little town? It’s up to Abby, Daisy, and Shar to find out before an ancient goddess takes over Southern Ohio, and they all end up in the apocalyptic doghouse… Издательство: "Macmillan Publishers" (2009)
ISBN: 978-0-312-94437-7 Купить за 549 руб в My-shop |
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Jennifer Crusie
Infobox Writer
imagesize = 150px
name = Jennifer Smith
pseudonym = Jennifer Crusie
birthname = Jennifer Smith
birthdate = birth year and age|1949
birthplace =
occupation = novelist, nonfiction
nationality = American
period = 1992–present
genre = Romance, adventure
website = http://www.jennycrusie.com/
Jennifer Crusie (born 1949) is a pseudonym for Jennifer Smith, a bestselling and award winning author of contemporary
Crusie was born as Jennifer Smith in
Crusie was graduated from
Family and career
Crusie married in 1971, and followed her
Crusie had long planned to be a teacher. She has taught all age levels, from pre-school through college, including 15 years in the
Writing career
Writing was an accidental career. Crusie's
Crusie sold her first novella, "Sizzle," in August 1992. For the first three years of her career, her books were presented as category romances under the Silhouette, Harlequin, and Bantam Loveswept lines. In 1995, Crusie developed a partnership with
Her books are known for their humor, although Crusie says she has never "deliberately written to be funny. ... I think my characters just have a particular kind of sense of humor. They use it the way a lot of people do, to cope with the absurdities of life." Crusie usually envisions her characters before the plots, and she crafts them as real people, complete with flaws. Her heroines are usually off-beat and the heroes are clever and charming. Many of her characters have collections because she believes that a person's possessions tell a lot about that person.
She rewrote her first manuscript in 2002, and it was released as "Bet Me" in 2004. In 2005 she won a
In September 2004, Crusie met adventure novelist
Crusie has also collaborated with
* "Sizzle" (1994) -- Silhouette Stolen Moments Novella ISBN 0-373-83271-0
* "Manhunting" (Harlequin Temptation #463 September 1993, reissued Mira Books November 2000, reissued in hardcover February 2007) ISBN 0-373-77251-3
* "Getting Rid of Bradley" (Harlequin Temptation #480 February 1994, reissued Mira Books November 2001) ISBN 1-551-66865-3
* "Strange Bedpersons" (Harlequin Temptation #520 December 1994, reissued Mira Books December 2003) ISBN 1-551-66743-6
* "What the Lady Wants" (Harlequin Temptation #544 June 1995, reissued Mira Books November 2002) ISBN 1-551-66951-X
* "Charlie All Night" (Harlequin Temptation #570 January 1996, reissued Mira Books December 2004) ISBN 0-778-32107-X
* "Anyone But You" (Harlequin Love and Laughter #4 September 1996, reissued Mira Books January 2006, paperback reissue December 2006) ISBN 0-373-77138-X
* "The Cinderella Deal" (Bantom Loveswept #807 October 1996) ISBN 0-553-44557-X
* "Trust Me on This" (Bantom Loveswept #843, July 1997) ISBN 0-553-44558-8
* "Tell Me Lies" (1998) ISBN 0-312-96680-6
* "Crazy for You" (1999) ISBN 0-312-97112-5
* "Welcome to Temptation" (2000) ISBN 0-312-97425-6
* "Fast Women" (2001) ISBN 0-312-98015-9
* "Faking It" (2002) ISBN 0-312-93278-2
* "Bet Me" (2004) ISBN 0-312-98785-4
* "Don't Look Down" (with
* "Agnes and the Hitman" (with
:“This first collaboration between best-selling romance writer Crusie and adventure-thriller writer Mayer is a rare delight. Mayer's delectably dry sense of humor perfectly complements Crusie's brand of sharp wit, and together the two have cooked up a sexy, sassy, and smart combination of romance and suspense that is simply irresistible.” --"Booklist"
* "Hot Toy" (2006) -- in the Anthology "Santa Baby" ISBN 0-312-93976-0
* "The Unfortunate Miss Fortunes" (2007) (with
* "Agnes and the Hitman" (2007) (with
* "Totally Charmed: Demons, Whitelighters and the Power of Three" (2005) (Smart Pop series) ISBN 1-932-10060-1 - editor and contributor
* "Flirting with Pride & Prejudice: Fresh Perspectives on the Original Chick-Lit Masterpiece" (2005) (Smart Pop series) ISBN 1-932-10072-5 - editor and contributor
* "Anne Rice: A Critical Companion" (Critical Companions to Popular Contemporary Writers) (1996) ISBN 0-313-29612-X
Awards and honors
* Jennifer Crusie won the
* She won the
External links
* [http://www.jennycrusie.com Jennifer Crusie's Official Web Site]
* [http://www.arghink.com Jennifer Crusie's Blog, Argh Ink]
* [http://www.cherryforums.com The Cherry Forums: Reading and Writing Forums, sponsored by Jennifer Crusie]
* [http://www.unfortunatemissfortunes.com The Unfortunate Miss Fortunes Official Book Web Site]
* [http://crusiemayer.com/ Web Page of Bob Mayer and Jennifer Crusie collaboration]
* [http://crusiemayer.com/workshop Crusie Mayer 2007 Online Writing Workshop]
Источник: Jennifer Crusie
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