Книга: Miguel de Cervantes «Don Quixote»
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Серия: "Wordsworth Classics" Cervantes'tale of the deranged gentleman who turns knight-errant, tilts at windmills and battles with sheep in the service of the lady of his dreams, Dulcinea del Toboso, has fascinated generations of readers, and inspired other creative artists such as Flaubert, Picasso and Richard Strauss. The tall, thin knight and his short, fat squire, Sancho Panza, have found their way into films, cartoons and even computer games. Supposedly intended as a parody of the most popular escapist fiction of the day, the'books of chivalry', this precursor of the modern novel broadened and deepened into a sophisticated, comic account of the contradictions of human nature. Cervantes'greatest work can be enjoyed on many levels, all suffused with a subtle irony that reaches out to encompass the reader. Издательство: "Wordsworth" (1992)
ISBN: 978-1-85326-036-0 Купить за 222 руб в My-shop |
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Miguel De Cervantes
Источник: Miguel De Cervantes
См. также в других словарях:
Don Quixote — /don kee hoh tee, don kwik seuht/; Sp. /dawn kee haw te/ 1. the hero of a novel by Cervantes who was inspired by lofty and chivalrous but impractical ideals. 2. (italics) (Don Quixote de la Mancha) the novel itself (1605 and 1615). * * * ▪… … Universalium
Don Quixote — Don Quixote, Don Quijote oder Don Quichotte steht für: Don Quijote, Roman von Miguel de Cervantes (in alter Schreibweise) Don Quixote (Strauss), Tondichtung von Richard Strauss (3552) Don Quixote, einen Himmelskörper Don Quijote (Sonde), eine… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Don Quixote — Don Quichotte Don Quixote (Don Quichotte), op. 35 est un long poème symphonique de Richard Strauss, pour violoncelle, alto et grand orchestre, composé à Munich en 1897 et créé à Cologne en mars 1898. L œuvre est inspirée du Don Quichotte de… … Wikipédia en Français
Don Quixōte — (fr. Quichote) von la Mancha, der Ritter von der traurigen Gestalt (span. auszusprechen Don Kijote, fr. Dong Kischott), Held des berühmten, das Ritterthum persiflirenden satyrischen Romans von Cervantes, D. Q. ist ein durch die Lecture vieler… … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
Don Quixote — Don Quix|ote 1.) the main character in the humorous book Don Quixote de la Mancha by Miguel de Cervantes. Don Quixote wants to be a ↑knight like the characters he admires in old stories, but when he tries to copy their adventures and behaviour,… … Dictionary of contemporary English
Don Quixote — Don Qui|jo|te, Don Qui|xo|te [dɔnki xo:tə ]: span. Form von ↑ Don Quichotte. * * * Don Quixote [ dɔȖ ki xɔte], sinfonische Dichtung (»Fantastische Variationen über ein Thema ritterlichen Charakters«) Opus 35 (1897) von R. Strauss. * * * Don… … Universal-Lexikon