Книга: Anna Gavalda «La Consolante»

La Consolante

Charles Balanda, 47 ans, architecte a Paris, apprend incidemment la mort d'une femme qu'il a connue quand il etait enfant et qui incarnait pour lui un univers bien different de sa famille petite-bourgeoise: un univers de folie, de passion, de douleur meme, un univers vivant. A l'annonee de cette nouvelle, il bascule dans l'angoisse et le chagrin. Il perd pied. Dans son couple, dans son travail, dans ses certitudes... jusqu'a ce que sa rencontre avec la lumineuse Kate change sa vision du monde.

Издательство: "J'ai lu" (2008)

Формат: 110x175, 640 стр.

ISBN: 978-2-290-01428-8

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Anna Gavalda

Anna Gavalda (born December 9, 1970 in Boulogne-Billancourt, Hauts-de-Seine) is a French teacher and award-winning novelist.

Referred to by "Voici" magazine as "a distant descendant of Dorothy Parker", Anna Gavalda was born in an upper-class suburb of Paris. While working as French teacher in high school, a collection of her short stories was first published in 1999 under the title "Je voudrais que quelqu'un m'attende quelque part" that met with both critical acclaim and commercial success, selling more than three-quarters of a million copies in her native France and winning the 2000 "Grand Prix RTL-Lire." The book was translated into numerous languages including in English and sold in twenty-seven countries. It was published to acclaim in North America in 2003 as "I Wish Someone Were Waiting for Me Somewhere"." The book received much praise and is a library and school selection worldwide in several languages.

Gavalda's first novel, "Je l'aimais" ("Someone I Loved") was published in France in February 2002 and later that year in English. Inspired by the failure of her own marriage, it too was a major literary success and a bestseller and was followed by the short (96 pages) juvenile novel "35 kilos d'espoir" ("95 Pounds of Hope") that she said she wrote "to pay tribute to those of my students who were dunces in school but otherwise fantastic people".

In 2004, her third novel, "Ensemble c'est tout"," focused on the lives of four people living in an apartment house: a struggling young artist who works as an office cleaner at night, a young aristocrat misfit, a cook, and an elderly grandmother. The 600-page book is a bestseller in France and has been translated into English as "Hunting and Gathering".

As of 2007, her three books have sold more than 3 million copies in France [ [http://www.lefigaro.fr/livres/2008/02/27/03005-20080227ARTFIG00383-une-plume-qui-vaut-de-l-or-.php Le Figaro - Livres : Une plume qui vaut de l'or ] ] . "Ensemble c'est tout" was made into a successful movie in 2007 by Claude Berri, with Audrey Tautou and Guillaume Canet. The adaptation of her first novel, "Je l'aimais", is currently being filmed.

Divorced, and the mother of two, Gavalda lives in the small city of Melun, Seine-et-Marne, about 50 km southeast of Paris. In addition to writing novels, she also contributes to "Elle" magazine.


*"Je voudrais que quelqu'un m'attende quelque part", 1999
*"35 kilos d'espoir", 2002
*"Je l'aimais", 2002
*"Ensemble, c'est tout", 2005
*"La Consolante", 2008

Works in English translation

*"I Wish Someone Were Waiting for Me Somewhere"
*"Someone I loved"
*"Hunting and Gathering", 2006
*"95 Pounds of Hope"


Источник: Anna Gavalda

См. также в других словарях:

  • consolante — agg. [part. pres. di consolare ]. [atto a consolare] ▶◀ confortante, confortatore, consolatore, consolatorio. ↓ incoraggiante. ◀▶ avvilente, deprimente, sconfortante, sconsolante, scoraggiante …   Enciclopedia Italiana

  • consolante — con·so·làn·te p.pres., agg. 1. p.pres. → 1consolare 2. agg. CO incoraggiante, che rallegra: una notizia consolante, è consolante per noi sapere che ti trovi bene; anche iron.: non abbiamo più vino? davvero consolante! Sinonimi: confortante,… …   Dizionario italiano

  • consolante — ● consolant, consolante adjectif Propre à consoler ; réconfortant : Geste consolant. ● consolant, consolante (synonymes) adjectif Propre à consoler ; réconfortant Synonymes : apaisant consolateur réconfortant …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • consolante — {{hw}}{{consolante}}{{/hw}}part. pres.  di consolare  (1) ; anche agg. Che dà consolazione; SIN. Confortante …   Enciclopedia di italiano

  • consolante — pl.m. e f. consolanti …   Dizionario dei sinonimi e contrari

  • consolante — part. pres. di consolare; anche agg. confortante, rasserenante, edificante, edificatorio, lieto, piacevole, confortevole, incoraggiante, consolatore CONTR. sconsolante, desolante, rattristante, scoraggiante, sconfortante, affliggente, deprimente …   Sinonimi e Contrari. Terza edizione

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