Книга: «Gateway B1 (аудиокурс на CD)»

Gateway B1 (аудиокурс на CD)

Class CD2. Units 6-10.

Издательство: "Macmillan Publishers Limited" (2013)

ISBN: 9780000300997

Купить за 364 руб на Озоне

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David SpencerGateway B1+: Class CDs (аудиокурс на 2 CD)Gateway is an academically-rich five-level course designed to lead teenage students to success in school-leaving and university entrance exams and prepare them for university and the world of work… — Macmillan Education, Подробнее...2011
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David SpencerGateway B1+: Class CDs (аудиокурс на 2 CD)Gateway is an academically-rich five-level course designed to lead teenage students to success in school-leaving and university entrance exams and prepare them for university and the world of work… — Macmillan Publishers Limited, Подробнее...2011
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David SpencerGateway B2+: Classs Audio CD (аудиокурс на 2 CD)Gateway is an academically rich five-level course designed to lead teenage students to success in school-leaving and university entrance exams and prepare them for university and the world of work… — Macmillan Education, Подробнее...2012
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