Книга: William Golding «Lord of the Flies. The Pyramid. Envy Extraordinary»
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Сборник знакомит читателя с творчеством известного английского писателя Уильяма Голдинга (р. 1911). Признанный мастер философского иносказания, У. Голдинг в аллегорической форме изображает актуальные проблемы современного западного общества. Где бы и когда бы ни происходило действие произведений Голдинга - в Древнем Риме, какв повести "Чрезвычайный посол", на необитаемом острове - "Повелитель мух" - или в современной Англии - "Пирамида", - писатель предлагает задуматься над тревожными вопросами, которые ставит буржуазная действительность. Книга сопровождается вступительной статьей, комментариями и рассчитана на специалистов-филологов, студентов и аспирантов гуманитарных вузов, изучающих английскую литературу. Издательство: "Прогресс" (1982) Формат: 70x100/32, 496 стр.
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William Golding
Infobox Writer
name = William Golding
birthdate = birth date|1911|9|19|mf=y
birthplace =
deathdate = death date and age|1993|6|19|1911|9|19|mf=y
deathplace =
occupation = Novelist
nationality =
Sir William Gerald Golding (
Early life
Golding was born at his maternal grandmother's house, 47 Mountwise,
Marriage and family
Golding married Ann Brookfield on 30 September 1940 and they had two children, Judy and David.
War service
In 1985 Golding and his wife moved to
Writing success
In September 1953 Golding sent the typescript of a book to Faber & Faber of London. Initially rejected by a reader there, the book was championed by Charles Monteith, then a new editor at the firm. He asked for various cuts in the text and the novel was published in September 1954 as "
Publishing success made it possible for Golding to resign his teaching post at
In 1970 Golding was a candidate for the Chancellorship of the University of Kent at Canterbury, but lost to the politician and leader of the Liberal Party,
Golding's often allegorical
Golding's later novels include "Darkness Visible" (1979), "The Paper Men" (1984), and the comic-historical sea trilogy "
Lord of the Flies
The key idea of "Lord of the Flies" (the title was suggested by Golding's friend
Ralph continually stresses to them the importance of making a signal fire on top of the mountain, so that any passing ships might see the smoke and come to rescue them. He tells the boys, "The fire is the most important thing on the island. How can we ever be rescued except by luck, if we don't keep a fire going?" The rest of the boys become more savage and are more interested in hunting than keeping the fire going. Eventually even Ralph and Piggy become savage, if only for a moment. When Simon crawls out from the forest in the dark, the boys believe he is the beast, and Ralph and Piggy join in as they beat him to death with their bare hands.
Out of all of the boys the one who changes the most on the island is Jack. He was head boy in his choir, who soon become the hunters, and he is more persistent than Ralph in his desire to become the chief, saying "I ought to be chief, because I'm chapter chorister and head boy". Jack also has an unpleasant personality, expressed when saying "Shut up, Fatty." to Piggy. Jack shows his savageness very early on and later develops an even darker personality. While Jack was at first unable to kill a pig, because of the "knife cutting into living flesh.", he later begins to enjoy the hunting of the pigs with a spear, and is not at all upset by the deaths of other boys. When Piggy falls to his death after being knocked off a cliff, Jack screams "That's what you'll get! I meant that!" In the end everyone but Piggy and Simon, who was killed by Jack's tribe, are lured to join them either by the knowledge that the hunters would provide them with meat, or are tortured and bullied into joining them.
The boys are rescued by a British navy officer; he is shocked to discover that these are British boys that have ended up as savages. If British boys, especially ones as civilised as these, could turn into wild savages then anyone could. The naval officer emphasises this, saying "I should have thought that a pack of British boys - you're all British aren't you? - would have been able to put up a better show than that".
Major works
*"Poems" (1934)
*"Lord of the Flies" (1954)
*"The Inheritors" (1955)
*"The Brass Butterfly" (play) (1958)
*"Free Fall" (1959)
*"The Pyramid" (1967)
*"Darkness Visible" (1979)
*"A Moving Target" (essays) (1982)
*"The Paper Men" (1984)
*"An Egyptian Journal" (1985)
**"Rites of Passage" (1980)
**"Close Quarters" (1987)
**"Fire Down Below" (1989)
ee also
External links
* [http://vle.williamhoward.cumbria.sch.uk/course/view.php?id=5 "The Spire" a sixth form perspective at William Howard School]
* [http://www.edupaperback.org/showauth.cfm?authid=92 Golding's Life and work reviewed at the Educational Paperback Association]
* [http://nobelprize.org/literature/laureates/1983/golding-bio.html Biography of William Golding] at the
* [http://aurora.icaap.org/index.php/aurora/article/view/50/63 Interview] by Mary Lynn Scott- Universal Pessimist, Cosmic Optimist
* [http://www.faber.co.uk/index.html Faber and Faber] - UK publisher of William Golding
* [http://www.william-golding.co.uk/ William Golding Ltd] Website of Golding family.
* [http://books.guardian.co.uk/departments/generalfiction/story/0,,1793967,00.html "Last Words" An account of Golding's last evening by D.M. Thomas - Guardian - Saturday 10 June 2006 ("Review" Section)]
Источник: William Golding
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