Книга: Paul Auster «The Book of Illusions»
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College professor David Zimmer succumbs to an extended, near-suicidal depression when his wife and sons die in a plane crash. While mindlessly channel-surfing one drunken evening, he stumbles across a clip from a silent comedy starring Hector Mann, a mysterious figure who disappeared in 1929. Intrigued - then ultimately obsessed - by Mann, Zimmer devotes himself to a rigorous examination of Mann's 12 films and eventually publishes a critical study on them. When the book comes out, a stranger contacts Zimmer, informing him that Mann is very much alive and inviting him to the filmmaker's private hideaway in New Mexico. What follows is a complex, constantly surprising story - a narrative of Zimmer's cross-country journey and a series of revelations about the guilty secret that warped Mann's life, changing him from an ambitious artist to a reclusive genius living in a self-contained world. Издательство: "Picador" (2003) Формат: 120x180, 282 стр.
ISBN: 0-312-99096-0, 978-0-312-99096-1 Купить за 639 руб на Озоне |
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The New York Trilogy | Paul Auster's signature work, The New York Trilogy, consists of three interlocking novels: City of Glass, Ghosts, and The Locked Room; haunting and mysterious tales that move at the breathless pace… — Faber&Faber, (формат: 110x180, 320 стр.) Подробнее... | бумажная книга | ||
Invisible | Sinuously constructed in four interlocking parts, Paul Auster's fifteenth novel opens in New York City in the spring of 1967, when twenty-year-old Adam Walker, an aspiring poet and student at… — Faber&Faber, (формат: 110x175, 320 стр.) Подробнее... | бумажная книга | ||
Travels in the Scriptorium | An old man sits in a room, with a single door and window, a bed, a desk and a chair. Each day he awakes with no memory, unsure of whether or not he is locked into the room. Attached to the few… — Macmillan Publishers, - Подробнее... | бумажная книга | ||
Invisible | Sinuously constructed in four interlocking parts, "Invisible" opens in New York City in the spring of 1967 when twenty-year-old Adam Walker, an aspiring poet and student at Columbia University meets… — Faber and Faber, - Подробнее... | бумажная книга | ||
Sunset Park | In the sprawling flatlands of Florida, 28-year-old Miles is photographing the last lingering traces of families who have abandoned their houses due to debt or foreclosure. Miles is haunted by guilt… — Faber and Faber, - Подробнее... | бумажная книга | ||
Timbuktu | Meet Mr Bones, the canine sidekick and confidant of Willy G. Christmas, the brilliant, troubled and altogether original poet-saint from Brooklyn. Like Don Quixote and Sancho Panza before them, they… — Faber and Faber, - Подробнее... | бумажная книга | ||
Invisible | Sinuously constructed in four interlocking parts, Paul Auster's fifteenth novel opens in New York City in the spring of 1967, when twenty-year-old Adam Walker, an aspiring poet and student at… — Faber& Faber, (формат: 110x175, 320 стр.) Подробнее... | бумажная книга | ||
Timbuktu | Meet Mr Bones, the canine sidekick and confidant of Willy G. Christmas, the brilliant, troubled and altogether original poet-saint from Brooklyn. Like Don Quixote and Sancho Panza before them, they… — Faber and Faber, Подробнее... | бумажная книга | ||
Travels in the Scriptorium | An old man sits in a room, with a single door and window, a bed, a desk and a chair. Each day he awakes with no memory, unsure of whether or not he is locked into the room. Attached to the few… — Macmillan Publishers, Подробнее... | бумажная книга | ||
The New York Trilogy | The New York Trilogy is an astonishing and original book: three cleverly interconnected novels that exploit the elements of standard detective fiction and achieve a new genre that is all the more… — Faber and Faber, (формат: 110x180, 314 стр.) Подробнее... | бумажная книга |
Paul Auster
Infobox Writer
name = Paul Auster
caption =Paul Auster, September 2008
imagesize = 200px
pseudonym = Paul Benjamin
birthdate = Birth date and age|1947|2|3
birthplace = Newark, NJ,
deathdate =
deathplace =
occupation =
nationality = US-American
period = 1982 -
genre =
subject =
movement =
influences =
influenced =
website = http://www.paulauster.co.uk
Paul Benjamin Auster (born
Paul Auster was born in
He married his second wife, writer
In the 1980s, he briefly played
Following his acclaimed debut work, a memoir entitled "
The search for identity and personal meaning has permeated Auster's later publications, many of which concentrate heavily on the role of coincidence and random events ("
Two strong elements in Paul Auster's writing are Jacques Lacan's
In short Lacan's theory declares that we enter the world through words. We observe the world through our senses but the world we sense is structured (mediated) in our mind through language. Thus our subconscious is also structured as a language. This leaves us with a sense of
Lacan is considered to be one of the key figures of French
The transcendentalists believe in the fact that the symbolic order of civilization separated us from the natural order of the world. By moving into nature - like Thoreau in "
The common factor of both ideas is the question of the meaning of symbols for human beings. [Heiko Jakubzik: "Paul Auster und die Klassiker der American Renaissance". Dissertation, Universität Heidelberg 1999 ( [http://www.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/archiv/7259/ online text] )] Auster's protagonists are often writers who establish meaning in their lives through writing, and they try to find their place within the natural order to be able to live again in civilization.
Paul Auster's reappearing subjects are: [Dennis Barone (ed.): "Beyond the Red Notebook. Essays on Paul Auster. Penn Studies in Contemporary American Fiction". University of Pennsylvania Press, Philadelphia (2. ed. 1996)]
* coincidence
* frequent portrayal of an ascetic life
* a sense of imminent disaster
* obsessive writer as central character/narrator
* loss of the ability to understand
* loss of language
* depiction of daily and ordinary life
* failure [Dirk Peters: "Das Motiv des Scheiterns in Paul Austers "City of Glass" und "Music of Chance". unpublished MA dissertation, Christian-Albrechts Universität Kiel, 1998]
* absence of a father
* writing/story telling,
* American History
* American Space
Instances of coincidence can be found all over Auster's work. Auster himself claims that people are so influenced by all the consistent stories that surround them, that they do not see the elements of coincidence, inconsistency and contradiction in their own lives:
Failure in Paul Auster's works is not just the opposite of the
Failure in this context is not the "nothing" - it is the beginning of something all new.
Auster's protagonists often have to go through a development that reduces their existence to the absolute necessary: They cut off contact to their family and friends, hunger and lose or give away all their belongings. Out of this approximation of their nil they either gain new strength to connect to the world again or they fail and finally disappear.
Published works
**"City of Glass" (1985)
**"Ghosts" (1986)
**"The Locked Room" (1986)
*"Leviathan" (1992)
*"Timbuktu" (1999)
*"The Brooklyn Follies" (2005)
*"Man in the Dark" (September 2008) [ Paul Auster's next novel, 'Man in the Dark', is due to be published by Henry Holt in the US on Monday 1st September 2008. [http://www.paulauster.co.uk/news.htm] ]
*"" (1988)"
*"Smoke" (1995)
Essays, memoirs, and autobiographies
Edited collections
*"The Random House Book of Twentieth-Century French Poetry" (1982) [ for more information about some of the poets included in this volume see: [http://www.maulpoix.net/US/settling.html French Poetry since 1950: Tendencies III] by
*"True Tales of American Life" (First published under the title "I Thought My Father Was God, and Other True Tales from NPR's National Story Project") (2001)
*"The Uninhabited: Selected Poems of
*"Life/Situations", by
*"A Tomb for Anatole", by
*"Chronicle of the Guayaki Indians" (1998) (translation of
*"The Notebooks of Joseph Joubert" (2005)
*"Vicious Circles: Two fictions & "After the Fact", by
The Accidental Rebel-Wed. April 23 article in New York Times
Other media
* On the album "
* In 2005 his daughter, Sophie, recorded an album of songs in both French and English, entitled "Sophie Auster", with the band
* In 1993, a movie adaptation of
* In 1994 "City of Glass" was adapted as a graphic novel by artist
* Jazz trumpeter and composer
* Paul Auster's voice can be heard on the 2005 album entitled "We Must Be Losing It" by
* In 2006 Paul Auster directed the film "
* The lyrics of
* Austrian composer
See also
* Paul is the older cousin of conservative columnist
Further reading
* Paul Auster, Gérard de Cortanze "La solitude du labyrinthe". Paris:Actes Sud, 1997.
* Franchot Ballinger "Ambigere: The Euro-American Picaro and the Native American Trickster". MELUS, 17 (1991-92), pp. 21–38.
* Dennis Barone (ed.): "Beyond the Red Notebook. Essays on Paul Auster." Penn Studies in Contemporary American Fiction. University of Pennsylvania Press, Philadelphia (2. ed. 1996)
* Dennis Barone "Auster’s Memory". The Review of Contemporary Fiction, 14:1 (Spring 1994), pp. 32-34
* Charles Baxter "The Bureau of Missing Persons: Notes on Paul Auster’s Fiction". The Review of Contemporary Fiction, 14:1 (Spring 1994), pp. 40-43.
* Harold Bloom ed. "Paul Auster." Philadelphia: Chelsea House Publ.; 2004.
* Martine Chard-Hutchinson "Paul Auster (1947- )". In: Joel Shatzky and Michael Taub (eds.). Contemporary Jewish-American Novelists: A Bio-Critical Sourcebook. Westport: Greenwood Press, 1997, pp. 13-20.
* Alain Chareyre-Méjan, Guillaume Pigeard de Gurbert. "Ce que Paul Auster n’a jamais dit: une logique du quelconque". In: Annick Duperray (ed.). L’oeuvre de Paul Auster: approches et lectures plurielles. Actes du colloque Paul Auster. Aix-en-Provence: Actes Sud, 1995, pp. 176-184.
* Gerard de Cortanze, James Rudnick: "Paul Austers New York." Gerstenberg, New York; Hildesheim, 1998
*fr iconGérard de Cortanze "Le New York de Paul Auster". Paris: Les Éditions du Chêne-Hachette Livre, 1996.
* Robert Creeley "Austerities". The Review of Contemporary Fiction, 14:1 (Spring 1994), pp. 35-39.
* Scott Dimovitz, 'Public Personae and the Private I: De-Compositional Ontology in Paul Auster's The New York Trilogy.' "MFS: Modern Fiction Studies". 52:3 (Fall 2006): 613-633.
* William Drenttel (ed.) "Paul Auster: A Comprehensive Bibliographic Checklist of Published Works 1968-1994". New York: Delos Press, 1994.
*de iconSven Gächter "Schreiben ist eine endlose Therapie: Der amerikanische Romancier Paul Auster über das allmähliche Entstehen von Geschichten". Weltwoche (31.12.1992), p. 30.
* Charles Grandjeat "Le hasard et la nécessité dans l’oeuvre de Paul Auster". In: Annick Duperray (ed.). L’oeuvre de Paul Auster: approches et lectures plurielles. Actes du colloque Paul Auster. Aix-en-Provence: Actes Sud, 1995, pp. 153-163.
*de icon Ulrich Greiner: "Gelobtes Land. Amerikanische Schriftsteller über Amerika." Rowohlt, Reinbek bei Hamburg 1997
* Claude Grimal "Paul Auster au coeur des labyrinthes". Europe: Revue Littéraire Mensuelle, 68:733 (1990), pp. 64-66.
* Allan Gurganus "How Do You Introduce Paul Auster in Three Minutes?". The Review of Contemporary Fiction, 14:1 (Spring 1994), pp. 7-8.
* Anne M. Holzapfel: "The New York trilogy. Whodunit? Tracking the structure of Paul Auster’s anti-detective novels." Lang, Frankfurt am Main 1996. (= Studien zur Germanistik und Anglistik; 11) ISBN 3-631-49798-9
*de icon Beate Hötger: "Identität im filmischen Werk von Paul Auster." Lang, Frankfurt am Main u.a. 2002. (= Europäische Hochschulschriften; Reihe 30, 84) ISBN 3-631-38470-X
*de icon Heiko Jakubzik: "Paul Auster und die Klassiker der American Renaissance". Dissertation, Universität Heidelberg 1999 ( [http://www.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/archiv/7259/ online text] )
* Bernd Herzogenrath "An Art of Desire. Reading Paul Auster." Amsterdam: Rodopi; 1999
* Bernd Herzogenrath "Introduction". In: Bernd Herzogenrath. An Art of Desire: Reading Paul Auster. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 1999, pp. 1-11.
* Gerald Howard "Publishing Paul Auster". The Review of Contemporary Fiction, 14:1 (Spring 1994), pp. 92-95.
* Peter Kirkegaard, "Cities, Signs, Meanings in Walter Benjamin and Paul Auster: Or, Never Sure of Any of It" in Orbis Litterarum: International Review of Literary Studies 48 (1993): 161179.
* Barry Lewis "The Strange Case of Paul Auster". The Review of Contemporary Fiction, 14:1 (Spring 1994), pp. 53-61.
* James Marcus "Auster! Auster!". The Village Voice, 39 (August 30, 1994), pp. 55-56.
* Brian McHale "Constructing Postmodernism". London and New York: Routledge, 1992.
* Patricia Merivale "The Austerized Version". Contemporary Literature, 38:1 (Spring 1997), pp. 185-197.
* Christophe Metress "Iles et archipels, sauver ce qui est récupérable: la fiction de Paul Auster". In: Annick Duperray (ed.). L’oeuvre de Paul Auster: approches et lectures plurielles. Actes du colloque Paul Auster. Aix-en-Provence: Actes Sud, 1995, pp. 245-257.
* James Peacock "Carrying the Burden of Representation: Paul Auster's The Book of Illusions." Journal of American Studies, 40:1 (April 2006), pp. 53-70.
*de icon Werner Reinhart: "Pikareske Romane der 80er Jahre. Ronald Reagan und die Renaissance des politischen Erzählens in den USA. (Acker, Auster, Boyle, Irving, Kennedy, Pynchon)." Narr, Tübingen 2001
* William Riggan "Picaros, Madmen, Naïfs, and Clowns: The Unreliable First-Person Narrator". Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1981.
* Mark Rudman "Paul Auster: Some ‚Elective Affinities‘". The Review of Contemporary Fiction, 14:1 (Spring 1994), pp. 44-45.
*de icon Michael Rutschky "Die Erfindung der Einsamkeit: Der amerikanische Schriftsteller Paul Auster". Merkur, 45 (1991), pp. 1105-1113.
* Edward H. Schafer "Ways of Looking at the Moon Palace." Asia Major. 1988; 1(1):1-13.
*de icon Steffen Sielaff: "Die postmoderne Odyssee. Raum und Subjekt in den Romanen von Paul Auster." Univ. Diss., Berlin 2004.
*de icon Joseph C. Schöpp "Ausbruch aus der Mimesis: Der amerikanische Roman im Zeichen der Postmoderne". München: Fink, 1990.
* Motoyuki Shibata "Being Paul Auster’s Ghost". In: Dennis Barone (ed.). Beyond the Red Notebook: Essays on Paul Auster. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1995, pp. 183-188.
* Carsten Springer: "Crises. The works of Paul Auster." Lang, Frankfurt am Main u.a. 2001. (= American culture; 1) ISBN 3-631-37487-9
* Carsten Springer: "A Paul Auster Sourcebook." Frankfurt a. Main u. a., Peter Lang, 2001.
* Eduardo Urbina: "La ficción que no cesa: Paul Auster y Cervantes." Vigo: Editorial Academia del Hispanismo, 2007.
* Eduardo Urbina: "La ficción que no cesa: Cervantes y Paul Auster." Cervantes en el ámbito anglosajón. Eds. Diego Martínez Torrón and Bernd Dietz. Madrid: SIAL Ediciones, 2005. 433-42.
* Eduardo Urbina: "Reflejos lunares, o la transformación paródica de la locura quijotesca en Moon Palace (1989) de Paul Auster." Siglos dorados; Homenaje a Augustin Redondo. Ed. Pierre Civil. Madrid: Castalia, 2004. 2: 1417-25.
* Eduardo Urbina: "Parodias cervantinas: el Quijote en tres novelas de Paul Auster (La ciudad de cristal, El palacio de la luna y El libro de las ilusiones)." ‘Calamo currente’: Homenaje a Juan Bautista de Avalle Arce. Ed. Miguel Zugasti. RILCE (Universidad de Navarra) 23.1 (2007): 245-56.
* Eduardo Urbina: "Reading Matters: Quixotic Fiction and Subversive Discourse in Paul Auster’s The Book of Illusions" Critical Reflections: Essays on Golden Age Spanish Literature in Honor of James A. Parr. Eds. Barbara Simerka and Amy R. Williamsen. Lewisburg, PA: Bucknell University Press, 2006. 57-66.
* Various Authors. "Special edition on Paul Auster." Critique. 1998 Spring; 39(3).
* Sophie Vallas "The voice of a woman speaking": voix et présences féminines dans les romans de Paul Auster. In: Annick Duperray (ed.). L’oeuvre de Paul Auster: approches et lectures plurielles. Actes du colloque Paul Auster. Aix-en-Provence: Actes Sud, 1995, pp. 164-175.
* Aliki Varvogli "World That is the Book: Paul Auster's Fiction". Liverpool University press, 2001. ISBN: 9780853236979
* Florian Felix Weyh "Paul Auster". Kritisches Lexikon der fremdsprachigen Gegenwartsliteratur (26. Nachlieferung), pp. 1-10.
* Curtis White "The Auster Instance: A Ficto-Biography". The Review of Contemporary Fiction, 14:1 (Spring 1994), pp. 26-29.
* Eric Wirth "A Look Back from the Horizon". In: Dennis Barone (ed.). Beyond the Red Notebook: Essays on Paul Auster. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1995, pp. 171-182.
* John Zilcosky "The Revenge of the Author: Paul Auster’s Challenge to Theory". Critique, 39:3 (Spring 1998), pp. 195-206.
External links
* [http://www.literaryawards.info/en/paul_auster.html Paul Auster's bibliography]
* [http://www.paulauster.co.uk/ Paul Auster (The Definitive Website)] , Stuart Pilkington's website about Paul Auster, first set up in 2000, with comprehensive information on the author's work and life.
* [http://www.3ammagazine.com/litarchives/nov2001/paul_auster_interview.html Interview with 3:AM Magazine]
* [http://wiredforbooks.org/paulauster/ 1987 interview with Paul Auster] by
* [http://books.guardian.co.uk/authors/author/0,5917,-13,00.html Guardian Books "Author Page"] , with profile and links to further articles.
* [http://www.faber.co.uk/ Faber and Faber] - Paul Auster's UK publisher
* " [http://www.guardian.co.uk/Archive/Article/0,4273,3869612,00.html The searcher] " - "
* [http://books.guardian.co.uk/departments/generalfiction/story/0,,1939604,00.html "I want to tell you a story"] piece by Auster at "The Guardian",
* [http://www.timesonline.co.uk/article/0,,592-1075597,00.html 2004 "Times Online" article]
* [http://www.calitreview.com/Essays/paul_auster_5007.htm Reflections On the Work of Paul Auster] , Garan Holcombe
* [http://blogs.villagevoice.com/music/archives/2008/09/interview_paul.php Village Voice interview with Paul Auster] by Ruth McCann 9/9/2008
* [http://literaturhaus-stuttgart.de/paul-auster.html Literaturhaus Stuttgart, October 2, 2008]
NAME=Auster, Paul
Источник: Paul Auster
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