Книга: «The ecological evaluation of the soils in the Ilisu Nature Reserve»

The ecological evaluation of the soils in the Ilisu Nature Reserve

Производитель: "Неизвестный"

The environmental protection is one of the important structural parts of the state social-economical politic in the Azerbaijan Republic. The national programs received in this area involve in problems on a large scale. The researches possess a great urgency in the direction of the ecological evaluation in the Ilisu State Nature Reserve and Gakh State Nature Prohibition. Evaluating the soils by quality, bonitet scales establishment;performing the forest industrial grouping in the reserve and prohibition soils and compiling rules of the cartograms are presented in connection with the problems of the ecological evaluation in the natural zone soils which are specially protected. To preparation of the measures system directed to guarding and restoration of the natural zone ecosystem, performing the soil ecological estimation, special evaluating scales composition according to the appearance degrees of the indications for the soils in the Ilisu Reserve and Gakh Prohibition was specially paid... ISBN:9783659876042

Издательство: "Неизвестный" (2016)

ISBN: 9783659876042


I м. разг.
Тот, о ком нет сведений.

II прил.
Такой, о котором нет сведений; неведомый, незнакомый.

Не пользующийся известностью, признанием.

Толковый словарь Ефремовой. 2000.

Источник: Неизвестный

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