Книга: «Trend change of climate and hydrological parameters in Vojvodina»

Trend change of climate and hydrological parameters in Vojvodina

Производитель: "Неизвестный"

Climate forecast of future climate conditions became of great importance in many countries and it is used in the decision - making process. Long-term goal is to achieve sustainable development and better socio-economic conditions of life on the Earth. Determination of the trend of climate and hydrological parameters in Vojvodina is of great importance for the region, due its agricultural role, as a source of food and fresh water. In aim to conclude weather there are tendencies to climate change and what are its consequences in the paper are analysed trends of change of: mean monthly and yearly temperatures, temperature regime and relative temperatures on seven stations in Vojvodina. As well are analysed precipitation regime, variability of precipitation distribution over the year, rain factor and Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI). To generate complete influence of climate change in Vojvodina trends of water flow on Danube, Tisa and Sava river were analysed for period from... ISBN:9783659856747

Издательство: "Неизвестный" (2016)

ISBN: 9783659856747


I м. разг.
Тот, о ком нет сведений.

II прил.
Такой, о котором нет сведений; неведомый, незнакомый.

Не пользующийся известностью, признанием.

Толковый словарь Ефремовой. 2000.

Источник: Неизвестный

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