Книга: Ray Bradbury «Dandelion Wine»

Dandelion Wine

In the backwaters of Illinois, Douglas Spaulding's grandfather makes an intoxicating brew from harvested dandelions... In a distillation of all that is eternal about boyhood and summer, Spaulding wistfully ponders over magical tennis shoes, and machines for every purpose from time travel to happiness. Based on Bradbury's own experiences growing up in Waukegan in the 1920s, Dandelion Wine is the author's most deeply personal work, a heady mixture of fond memory, forgiveness, the imagination and above all, of summers that seemed to go on forever.

Издательство: "Harper Voyager" (2008)

Формат: 130x200, 336 стр.

ISBN: 978-0-00-728474-0

Купить за 889 руб на Озоне

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Ray Bradbury

Somos una imposibilidad en un universo imposible.

Источник: Ray Bradbury

См. также в других словарях:

  • Dandelion Wine — For other uses, see Dandelion Wine (disambiguation). Dandelion Wine   …   Wikipedia

  • Dandelion Wine (disambiguation) — Dandelion Wine may refer to: Dandelion Wine, a 1957 novel by Ray Bradbury Dandelion Wine (film), a 1997 Russian TV movie based on the novel Dandelion Wine, a Folk music band/duo based in Canada Dandelion Wine, a musical duo based in Melbourne,… …   Wikipedia

  • Dandelion Wine (band) — Dandelion Wine are a musical duo based in Melbourne, Australia. The band combines medieval and Middle Eastern instruments with electronic beats, female vocals and swirling guitars. The band originated as a four piece outfit in mid 1996, but have… …   Wikipedia

  • Dandelion Wine (film) — Dandelion Wine Produced by Igor Apasyan Written by Igor Apasyan Ray Bradbury (books), Aleksei Leontyev Starring Innokenti Smoktunovsky, Liya Akhedzhakova, Vladimir Zeldin …   Wikipedia

  • dandelion wine — noun A wine made from dandelion flowers and usually other ingredients, including citrus …   Wiktionary

  • dandelion wine — вино из цветков одуванчика burgundy wine бургундское вино to deacon wine разбавлять вино fruit wine плодово ягодное вино grease wine светло розовое вино oxidized wine окислившееся вино …   English-Russian travelling dictionary

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