Книга: Bierce A. «Fantastic Fables»

Fantastic Fables


Fantastic Fables...... 4353 Moral Principle and Material Interest...... 4353 The Crimson Candle...... 4354 Escutcheon and Ermine...... 4355 The Ingenious Patriot...... 4356 Officer and Thug...... 4358 Two Kings...... 4359 The Conscientious Official...... 4360 The Moral Sentiment...... 4361 How Leisure Came...... 4362 The Thoughtful Warden...... 4363 Treasury and Arms...... 4364 The Christian Serpent...... 4365 The Politicians...... 4366 The Broom of the Temple...... 4368 The Discontented Malefactor...... 4370 Father and Son...... 4371 A Call to Quit...... 4372 The Critics...... 4373 The Foolish Woman...... 4374 Man and Lightning...... 4375 The Literary Astronomer...... 4376 The Lassoed Bear...... 4377 A Protagonist of Silver...... 4378 The Wooden Guns...... 4379 The Holy Deacon...... 4380 The Ineffective Rooter...... 4381 A Hasty Settlement...... 4382 The Poet's Doom...... 4384 Lion and Rattlesnake...... 4385 Legislator and Soap...... 4386 The Thistles Upon the Grave...... 4387 Alarm and Pride...... 4388 The Reform School Board...... 4389 Alderman and Raccoon...... 4390 Cat and King...... 4391 The Man with no Enemies...... 4392 The Flying-Machine...... 4393 The Angel's Tear...... 4394 The City of Political Distinction...... 4395 The Party Over There...... 4397 The Poet of Reform...... 4398 The Unchanged Diplomatist...... 4399 An Invitation...... 4400 The Ashes of Madame Blavatsky...... 4402 The Opossum of the Future...... 4403 The Life-Saver...... 4404 The Australian Grasshopper...... 4405 The Pavior...... 4407 The Tried Assassin...... 4408 Two Poets...... 4409 The Witch's Steed...... 4410 The Sagacious Rat...... 4411 The Bumbo of Jiam...... 4412 Noser and Note...... 4414 The Shadow of the Leader...... 4416 A Causeway...... 4417 The All-Dog...... 4418 Two Politicians...... 4419 The Farmer's Friend...... 4420 Physicians Two...... 4421 The Honest Cadi...... 4422 The Overlooked Factor...... 4423 Sportsman and Squirrel...... 4424 Kangaroo and Zebra...... 4425 A Matter of Method...... 4426 A Man of Principle...... 4427 The Returned Californian...... 4428 The Compassionate Physician...... 4429 A Prophet of Evil...... 4430 Two of the Damned...... 4431 The Austere Governor...... 4432 The Penitent Elector...... 4433 Religions of Error...... 4434 The Tail of the Sphinx...... 4435 The Crew of the Lifeboat...... 4436 A Treaty of Peace...... 4437 The Nightside of Character...... 4439 The Faithful Cashier...... 4441 The Circular Clew...... 4442 The Devoted Widow...... 4443 The Hardy Patriots...... 4444 The Humble Peasant...... 4445 The Various Delegation...... 4446 A Harmless Visitor...... 4447 An Inflated Ambition...... 4448 The No Case...... 4449 Judge and Rash Act...... 4450 The Prerogative of Might...... 4451 At Large - One Temper...... 4452 The Divided Delegation...... 4453 Rejected Services...... 4454 Deceased and Heirs...... 4455 Politicians and Plunder...... 4456 Man and Wart...... 4457 His Fly-Speck Majesty...... 4458 The Pugilist's Diet...... 4459 Old Man and Pupil...... 4460 Fogy and Sheik...... 4461 Revenge...... 4463 An Optimist...... 4464 Two Footpads...... 4465 Equipped for Service...... 4466 The Basking Cyclone...... 4467 A Valuable Suggestion...... 4468 Optimist and Cynic...... 4469 The Taken Hand...... 4470 Poet and Editor...... 4471 Party Manager and Gentleman...... 4473 At the Pole...... 4475 An Unspeakable Imbecile...... 4476 Mine-Owner and Jackass...... 4477 A Radical Parallel...... 4478 Dog and Doctor...... 4479 Legislator and Citizen...... 4480 Citizen and Snakes...... 4481 The Rainmaker...... 4482 Fortune and Fabulist...... 4484 A Smiling Idol...... 4485 Six and One...... 4486 A Transposition...... 4487 A Forfeited Right...... 4488 Uncalculating Zeal...... 4489 The Boneless King...... 4491 The Honest Citizen...... 4492 A Creaking Tail...... 4493 Philosophers Three...... 4494 A Needful War...... 4495 The Fugitive Office...... 4496 At Heaven's Gate...... 4497 Wasted Sweets...... 4499 The Catted Anarchist...... 4500 The Honorable Member...... 4501 The Expatriated Boss...... 4502 An Inadequate Fee...... 4503 A Statesman...... 4504 Two Dogs...... 4505 Judge and Plaintiff...... 4506 Return of the Representative...... 4507 The Mirror...... 4508 Saint and Sinner...... 4509 A Weary Echo...... 4510 Three Recruits...... 4511 The Ancient Order...... 4512 A Fatal Disorder...... 4513 A Talisman...... 4515 An Antidote...... 4516 Congress and People...... 4517 Ship and Man...... 4518 The Justice and His Accuser...... 4519 An Aerophobe...... 4520 The Thrift of Strength...... 4521 The Tyrant Frog...... 4522 Highwayman and Traveler...... 4523 The Eligible Son-in-law...... 4524 Policeman and Citizen...... 4525 Man and Bird...... 4526 Writer and Tramps...... 4527 Statesman and Horse...... 4528 The Good Government...... 4529 Three of a Kind...... 4530 The Lifesaver...... 4531 From the Minutes...... 4532 The Fabulist...... 4533 A Revivalist Revived...... 4535 The Debaters...... 4536 Two of the Pious...... 4537 The Desperate Object...... 4538 A Defective Petition...... 4539 The Mourning Brothers...... 4540 A Needless Labor...... 4541 A Flourishing Industry...... 4542 Patriot and Banker...... 4543 The Appropriate Memorial...... 4544 The Disinterested Arbiter...... 4545 The Reformed Anarchist...... 4546 Two Sons...... 4548 The Fortunate Explorer...... 4549 The Dutiful Son...... 4550 Widow and Soldier...... 4551 A Niggardly Offer...... 4553 Diplomacy...... 4554 Two Sceptics...... 4555 A Faulty Performance...... 4556 Aftermath...... 4557 A Half Loaf...... 4558 By the River Marge...... 4559 The Main Thing...... 4560 The Plaudits of the People...... 4561 The Secret of Happiness...... 4562 Atonement...... 4563 A Part of the Wages...... 4564 Two Parrots...... 4565 Twin Intolerables...... 4566 Consolation...... 4567 Famine Versus Pestilence...... 4568 The Monarchist Reclaimed...... 4569 Disappointment...... 4570 Saint and Soul...... 4571 The Statue at Bumboogle...... 4572 Improvidence...... 4573 Sheep and Lion...... 4574 The Inconsolable Widow...... 4575 An Intrusion...... 4576 The Tolerant Sovereign...... 4577 The Mysterious Word...... 4578 A Born Captain...... 4579 Revelation...... 4580 Soldier and Vulture...... 4581 Her Honor the Mayor...... 4582 In Advance of His Time...... 4583 Cause and Effect...... 4584 Environment...... 4585 A Chained Eagle...... 4586 The Powerless Poet...... 4587 The Incredulous Subordinate...... 4588 Wolf and Tortoise...... 4589 From General to Particular...... 4590 A Monarch Forearmed...... 4591 The Merciful Aspirant...... 4592 A Discomfited Philosopher...... 4594 A Condition Precedent...... 4595 The Ambitious Statesman...... 4596 The Limit...... 4597 As Usual...... 4598 The Unshrewd Assassin...... 4599 Fables from »Fun«...... 4600 Жsopus Emendatus...... 4610 Jupiter and the Baby Show...... 4610 Mercury and the Woodchopper...... 4611 The Penitent Thief...... 4612 Fox and Grapes...... 4613 Farmer and Fox...... 4614 Archer and Eagle...... 4615 Truth and the Traveler...... 4616 Wolf and Lamb...... 4617 Grasshopper and Ant...... 4618 Goose and Swan...... 4619 Fisher and Fished...... 4620 Wolves and Dogs...... 4621 Dame Fortune and the Traveler...... 4622 Wolf and Shepherds...... 4623 Lion, Cock and Ass...... 4624 Snake and Swallow...... 4625 Fawn and Buck...... 4626 Hen and Vipers...... 4627 Spendthrift and Swallow...... 4628 Lion and Thorn...... 4629 Victor and Victim...... 4630 Kite, Pigeons and Hawk...... 4631 Wolf and Babe...... 4632 Wolf and Ostrich...... 4633 Herdsman and Lion...... 4634 War-Horse and Miller...... 4635 Man and Fish-horn...... 4636 Hercules and the Carter...... 4637 Hare and Tortoise...... 4638 Lion and Bull...... 4639 Old Man and Sons...... 4640 Man and Eagle...... 4641 Man and Goose...... 4642 Dog and Reflection...... 4643 Wolf and Goat...... 4644 Man and Viper...... 4645 North Wind and Sun...... 4646 Crab and Son...... 4647 Jupiter and the Birds...... 4648 Lion and Mouse...... 4649 Lamb and Wolf...... 4650 Mountain and Mouse...... 4651 The Bellamy and the Members...... 4652 Cat and Youth...... 4653 Farmer and Sons...... 4654 Old Saws with New Teeth...... 4655 Wolf and Crane...... 4655 Lion and Mouse...... 4656 Hare and Frogs...... 4657 Belly and Members...... 4658 The Piping Fisherman...... 4659 Ants and Grasshopper...... 4660 The Dog and His Reflection...... 4661 Lion, Bear and Fox...... 4662 Wolf and Lion...... 4663 The Ass in The Lion's Skin...... 4664 Ass and Grasshoppers...... 4665 The Wolf who Would Be a Lion...... 4666 King Log and King Stork...... 4667 Milkmaid and Bucket...... 4668 Hare and Tortoise...... 4669 Monkey and Nuts...... 4670 Boys and Frogs...... 4671 Fables in Rhyme...... 4672 The Sleeping Lion...... 4672 In Dogland...... 4674 A Pair of Opposites...... 4677 The Degenerate...... 4679 The Vain Cat...... 4680 The Co-Defendants...... 4681 In Consequence of Applause...... 4683

Издательство: "Директ-Медиа" (2003)

ISBN: 9785998932540



BIERCE AMBROSE (1842-? 1914)

Sa vie, et plus encore sa mort, ont longtemps conféré à Ambrose Bierce plus de célébrité que ses œuvres. Engagé dans le 9e régiment des volontaires d’Indiana, Bierce combat du côté sudiste pendant la guerre de Sécession. On le retrouve ensuite, sur la côte ouest, journaliste à scandale, d’une férocité venimeuse rarement égalée. Celle-ci lui vaut de travailler une vingtaine d’années pour la presse Hearst, dont il sera l’un des éditorialistes les plus virulents et les plus détestés. L’homme avait d’ailleurs l’art — et le besoin — de s’attirer l’animosité, voire la haine, de ceux-là même auxquels il tenait le plus. Ce personnage complexe, alcoolique, hypocrite, moralisateur, mais profondément immoral, capable aussi d’une étrange forme d’honnêteté et d’éclairs de gentillesse au milieu d’une méchanceté grinçante soigneusement cultivée, part sur la fin de sa vie pour le Mexique, alors en pleine révolution, et disparaît sans que le mystère de sa mort ait jamais été éclairci.

Bierce a publié de son vivant ses œuvres complètes (Collected Works , 1909-1912), dont une grande partie, qui touche à de vieilles polémiques, est aujourd’hui illisible. Plus connu est Le Dictionnaire du diable (The Devil’s Dictionary , 1906), collection d’épigrammes et d’aphorismes qui n’est pas sans évoquer le Dictionnaire des idées reçues de Flaubert. Mais ses meilleurs récits sont sans conteste ceux que lui inspira la guerre civile, et surtout ses histoires d’épouvante où, avec le thème de la peur suscitant le surnaturel, font intrusion, avant Freud, ceux du parricide et de l’inceste, dominés par l’influence de la sexualité. Certaines de ces histoires font maintenant partie d’innombrables anthologies de la littérature fantastique; outre le goût du macabre, elles reflètent une plongée dans l’inconscient.

Источник: BIERCE (A.)

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